Being One For Someone

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Manik moves to his room. He starts crying feeling guilty. He breaks things.
Nan stops him. He sits down crying.
He starts to speak.
" am I that cruel nandhu that I cannot understand one's heart not even my mother's. Am I that cruel.".
" u r the best manik stop crying plz. Don't be depressed plz" nan cries.
" I did a sin. I shouldn't have done this" manik cries.
" please manik clam down" nan consoles. Manik is stubborn. Nan somehow manages and make him sleep.

At morning
Maddy is on table manik arrives. Nan and ragini arrives from the kitchen.
" today surely the sky is going to fall because Mr manik malhotra is late" maddy says. Manik don't react.
" what is the reason haan" giving a teasing look at nan.
" shut up. Manik see na" nan complains but still manik did not react.
" bhai are u still angry with me" maddy questions. Ragini looks at manik. Nan interprets.
" no maddy it's.... She is disturbed by a voice.
" hi aunty". Its our cute San with aryan and parth.
" you all are  here" ragini asks. They smile and take blessings.
" why my naughty student is dull today" looking at maddy San asks but he looks at manik who is lost in his own world.
" nothing" maddy smiles.
" guys what is the reason u r here" ragini asks.
" I called them maa" Rd says descending from upstairs with bags in hand.  All looks at him with shocking expressions.
" beta where are u going" ragini asks.
" maa I am leaving the house." it shocks every one. Manik stands still in his place. He didn't expect this. He wanted to mend his relationship but this was an unexpected turn.
" maa plz I am not angry at all. I am just leaving the house and not relationships. Maa I came here when I 
Was not able to survive alone now I can so I am leaving. Maa a person's presence in a house should bring joy but my presence never did that" Rd said.
Last line hurted manik so much.
" bhai plz don't say that u r our family. We love u plz stay back" maddy pleaded.

" maddy sorry I have to leave" Rd started to move. Maddy was keep on shouting. The situation was out of control. Manik wanted to stop Rd.
" ran..... Before manik could shout.
" maddy " nan screamed. All turned back to see him lifeless down.
Both brothers ran to him
" maddy open your eye plz" manik shouts. He was so much concerned about his younger brother that his anger flew away.
" randhir call the doctor" he shouted. Both were actually speaking to each other for their younger brother.

After some time.
Doctor checked him and told them it was because of stress and he did not take care of his health properly. The doctor left. Rd was sitting near him holding his hand.
" it's all because of me u r in this condition. I am so sorry" Rd cries.
San places her hand on him. Manik enters in Rd get up and moves out.
" wait" manik says.
Rd stops
" I know I have hurted u I am sorry" manik says.
" it's OK" Rd says. Manik hugs him from back and cries.
" you know how it feels when ur happy family shatters in one second. I felt it. You entered our life my family tore into pieces. How do I know who is responsible for this at that tender age. I thought its u who broke my family. I vented all my frustration in you. I did not really know you were innocent moreover to say I did not understand it. I am so sorry I hated u without reasons" he cries. Rd also have tears. Nan cries seeing manik's state San holds her. Ragini is happy that her happy family will be back. Aryan and parth are happy that some one can fill the loneliness in Rd 's life.
" not only u even I was wrong. Each time u fight I should have explained u as a big brother but I fought with u. I should have taken steps to talk with you but I didn't. I was also wrong manik" Rd says.
Rd turn and hugs him tightly.
" I love u manik I love you more"
" me too Rd" manik says.
" don't expect me to call u bhai since u r few months older than me" manik says our Rd chuckles. All were happy.
" first we should handle him" Rd says pointing to maddy. Manik nodes.

After some time
Maddy slowly opens his eyes. He sees his mother and both his brothers staring at him.
" bhai" maddy slowly says.
Both come to him. Make him sit.
"bhai u both don't want me right that's why one is not talking with me other leaving the house right" maddy asks crying.
Both hugs him and emotionally tells.
" we both want u. We love u" they hug him. All left emotional.
" and its a promise that we would not leave u" Rd says.
" even I promise" manik keeps the hand on Rd. Maddy looks at both of them.
" u both spoke" maddy asks. Idiot now only it strikes him. Both nodes. Maddy emotionally hugs both of them.
" finally my dream came true... Finally my dream came true. Love u bhais love u"  maddy says.
" we too" both says.
" stop ur bromance I cannot tolerate" ragini says.
All laugh.

Maddy is in his room. Manik and Rd bring his dinner.
" bhai feed me na" he asks seeing Rd.
Rd agrees and feed him. Manik's gives water.
" bhai its OK I am full" he says both stares.
" full" manik asks.
" that too within few mouths" Rd asks.
Maddy nodes. Both force him and he eats fully both make him sleep. And they both sleep near him.

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