Part Fourteen | Twenty

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For four nights after her date with Violet Clementine dreams of stars. The two girls in the isolation of the night. Alone under a sky filled with lights. She thinks about them taking it further than kissing, succumbing to the lust she feels throughout her stomach every time they're close. She wonders if Violet feels the same urges.

It's Wednesday night. Tomorrow is Violet's 20th birthday. Clementine has practically been counting down the seconds until midnight. She imagines giving Violet her gift, hoping that it's something that will make her girlfriend smile, she's looking forward to the party at Louis's house and then the weekend away after that. All she has to get through the remaining hours of this evening.

She draws patterns in the dust with the toe of her boot. The shapes she draws are senseless but it helps pass the time while she waits for Lee to arrive at the park. Behind her AJ giggles as he sprints around the swing set, chasing his friends in circles. Clementine casts a look over her shoulder, smiling to herself as she watches him laugh with glee. From inside her coat pocket her phone vibrates, the action brings her attention out of her thoughts and back to reality. She digs her phone out from within her leather jacket and scrolls down the new message.

Dad: Stuck in traffic, I'm going to be a little bit later than planned x

Clementine curses under her breath and wonders if she should just take AJ and begin the walk home or call Louis for a lift. Not to cut AJ's fun short, but to make sure she isn't at the park when Minerva arrives to pick up her younger brother Tenn who's currently drawing on one of the picnic tables at the bottom of the park.

She used to love taking AJ to the park, it used to be a safe zone where he could be a child and Clementine could forget her worries. Before she was in a relationship with Violet The redhead would arrive at the playground and pay Clementine no mind, almost ignore her entirely. Clementine remembers watching Minerva when she wasn't looking. She remembers staring hard at the back of Minerva's head wishing she could crack it like an egg and let all of the redhead's secrets flow out. See what was true and what was false about the rumours she heard about Violet and Minerva through the college halls. The rumours that used to make her stomach twist into knots and her heart sink.

I think Minerva and Violet are sleeping together.

I saw Violet heading into Minerva's house as I drove by one night.

I heard that they're now officially together.

Well, now she knows everything.

Clementine continues to draw patterns in the dust. From behind her, she hears the gentle hum of a car engine stuttering to a stop and she turns her head, heart pounding, relieved to see that it's only a parent come to collect his children. It's not Minerva. She returns her attention to her phone and drafts a text to her girlfriend while she waits for Lee.

Clem: Hey Vi, what are your plans for tomorrow, AKA your actual birthday, can we hang out after school? Xxx

She rubs her thumb over the glass of her phone screen while she waits for a reply. Behind her, she hears a raucous laugh from her little brother and she smiles, enjoying the fact that at least he's having a carefree time.

An incoming text draws her attention back to her phone and her heart begins to beat heavily in her chest as she spots Violet's name pop up on the screen.

Vi: Well I was hoping that we could do something just us before we're surrounded by drunken hooligans all weekend ;) xxx

Clem: You doing anything with your family we need to work around? Xxx

Vi: Nope xxx

Clementine furrows her eyes at the response, it's obvious that Violet feels deeply uncomfortable with the idea of spending any more time with her family than she already does. And Clementine knows it's not her mom that's the problem.

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