Ch.51 The Void

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Last night me and Sage ended up falling asleep. I didn't even finish my homework. The fort is so cute and I don't want to leave it, but it's time to get ready for school. I've started leaving clothes here just incase something like this happens. Which it has. Multiple times.

I pull on some jeans and a tank top. I wake up Sage as I finish getting ready. "Are you sure you have to go to school?" He asks wrapping his arms around me from behind. I hold his hands and lean my head back so it's resting on his shoulder.

"I'm very sure." I say breaking free from his arms. He pouts and pulls me to him once more, kissing the top of my head.

"We didn't finish all your homework."

"I know. I can do it in my study hall. I only have a little bit left." I assure him.

"Can I drive you to school?" He asks hope shimmering in his eyes.

"Of course you can."

We get into his car and Marie and Val are right behind us in Marie's car. We start the drive to the school and Sage holds my hand. The sun is already shining bright and the sky is a clear blue. Today feels like it's going to be great.

"Oh shit." Sage mutters. I look over to him and he's looking in his rear view mirror.

"What?" I ask. He looks back to the road and nods his head back.

"Marie just flashed her headlights." He says.

"So? What does that mean?"

"It's basically code for 'we're being trailed by someone'." He says taking a sharp turn and speeding down an alleyway. I hold onto the handle on the roof of the car and Sage lets go of my hand. Someone calls him and he answers it. "Marie, do we know who it is?" He asks. The call is connected to the Bluetooth in the car. Val and Marie are saying something but I can't make it out.

"Marie! I'm going to need you to talk a little louder!" Sage shouts.

"Void! It's the void!" She shouts.

"The void? Isn't that your brothers gang? What happened to Carter? I thought everything was okay between you two." I say. I thought they made up. I thought they were allies.

"Yeah, well, ever since he found out that our dad was the actual leader, he's wanted me dead." He says casually.

"How are you so calm about this?" I exclaim.

"This is my life, Eden. This is just another day. You don't know about half of the things that go down when you're at school." We're speeding down a road and I have no idea where we are. I also feel like it's a bad time to say this, but I'm going to anyway.

"What stuff? What are you hiding from me?" He sighs and briefly looks over at me. He pulls off onto a dirt road and drives through a heavily wooded area. It's not the smoothest drive. He gets to a clearing and turns off the car. Marie pulls up behind us. "Sage, what are you hiding from me?" I ask more calm this time.

"It's nothing really bad. But, there's quite a bit of conflict that we get into. A lot of fights. It's usually just about territory. And yes, before you ask, guns get involved. But I'm fine. Everyone's fine." He says turning towards me.

"But everything's not fine. That's where you got that graze wound isn't it? You said it was old." I say quietly looking down. "You lied." He rests his hands on my cheeks looks into my eyes.

"I only lied to protect you. I don't want you getting worried and feeling like you have to join in. I'm perfectly safe. I promise." He kisses my cheek and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "And plus, you're at school learning. I'm not going to take away from that so you can get in a gun fight." He says with a small smile.

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