18.~~Tick-Tock Goes The Clock For Katarina~~

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Hey everyone!

Sorry for not updating this one in a while, hopefully this will be ok :P

I have to say, I so far think this going to be something like a short-ish story, everything is happening a little faster than I planned and is getting crammed into chapters so I am running out of chapters to write, plus my ideas for this story are also coming up blank.

So I guess you could say the story is going to be coming to an end soon.

Sorry if you guys wanted something longer, I just feel it isn't really going anywhere anymore, when I first started writing it I imagined a longer story kinda like my other one Burn but it just isn't happening.

Will you guys be ok with it being a short story? It'll still be up for reading I just think it'll be shorter than I first expected.

Maybe another two chapters or so?



Chapter song is "Far Far Away" by Basshunter ----->


P.s. Please go check out my new story called "Keepig It Human"! The prologue should be up later tonight so look out for it on my page!

Thanksssss!!! :D


Darren's POV.

I sat with my head on my desk, staring at the small screen that Jackson had placed in front of me, the pale, blinking blue light the only kind of tracking source that kept me up-to-date with Katarina's whereabouts.

Watching her from a distance and not having her in my arms was painful.

I had cried every night since I last saw her, sure it was pitiful for an Alpha but I didn't care.

I had lost my mate to a sick, twisted, son of a bitch and it hurt.

It hurt like hell.

"Staring at that screen wont get her back, y'know," Jackson said walking into my office and sitting in a chair across from me, his elbows resting on the desk as he looked at me with a worried expression.

"I know," I whispered, my gaze returning to the dot that was my mates position, she had been staying in the same area for over an hour and I knew it was probably because she was working, being a DJ and all.

"So why the fuck are you still watching it? Go get her," He growled at me and I just sighed, my face rolling forward so it pressed into the desk.

"Stop sitting there and feeling sorry for yourself, Katarina is probably hurting too, did you not think of that? She's trapped and she can't get to you, you're not the only one suffering, hell, even your pack is. You've neglected your duty as Alpha and have all but given up on your Luna, which is just fucking disgusting," Jackson snarled at me and slammed the lid of the tracking box shut, grabbing the silver case and tucking it under his arm as he walked to the door.

"Sort yourself out, Darren, you can't go on like this, your pack and mate don't deserve the way you're going either, and as your best friend, neither can I," with that he slammed the door and left me with my thoughts.

My oh so trouble thoughts that felt like someone was pressing on my brain with a hammer.

Why did everything have to be so confusing?

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