4. ~~Its Magic~~

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Darren's POV.

"...It's freaking me out..."

"Me too..."

"Would you guys shut up!" I growled back at them trying to keep my eyes on the road.

"Dude you kidnap your friggin mate! That's worrying and makes you seem a little creepy!" Jackson yelled from his seat in the back.

I glanced over at my unconscious mate in the passenger seat.

Her shoulders were slumped and her head lolled to the side while small quiet sighs escape her lips.  

Kat looked so peaceful as she slept, her firey waves had fallen across her face and made her skin look pale in a beautiful angelic way.

I tore my eyes away from her and focused back on the road, I didn't like what my friends were saying about me supposedly kidnapping her.  

It made me sound like an obsessed stalker or something.  

Which I can full heartily say I was not.

It's just I had been waiting years for her and now that I had found her I didn't want to lose her, but seeing how she had reacted at the club I had a strong feeling she wouldn't come with willingly.

So I just took a minor step and took her with me.

If I didn't then she was going to end up getting away again and that was something I was not gonna let happen.

"I'm not kidnapping her," I said turning off at the pack house and parking in the driveway.

"I thought taking someone against their will was technically kidnapping?" Alexander said sarcastically as he jumped out of the car along with Jackson, Kyle, Daniel and Max.

I bared my fangs but said no more as I leaned over to Kats seat and un buckled her seatbelt.  

Slamming the car door I walked around to her side and lifted her out and into my arms, carrying her into the house and straight up the stairs to my room.

Ignoring the suggestive looks and whistles I got from the other guys sitting in the living room.

I had just shut the door to my bedroom and placed her on my large king size bed when she began to stir in her sleep.

I smiled when she made small, mewling noises and clawed at the bed like a cat.

- "Hey Darren, you gonna let her sleep or have you got something else in mind?" Jackson laughed in my head making me growl.

- "Shut up,"

As much as Owen wanted to do something with Kat I wanted to be more of a gentleman than a heathen, so I went to move away from her.

Kat however, had something else in mind and her hands grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled me back on top of her, my body pinned to hers on the bed.

Let's just say Owen was now going crazy in my head.

"Mmhmm don't leave me, you're so warm," Kat mumbled in her sleep and wriggled closer to me so she was curled up in the foetal position against my chest.

I smiled down at her and turned to my side so I could wrap my arms loosely around her small body, so she was still soundly asleep.

Lots of things ran through my head before I slipped into sleep, the main ones being that my beautiful mate that I had searched for for many years was finally hear in my arms for good, and the other being what Kat had said in the alleyway behind the club.

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