7. ~~My Imagination Is Fucked Up~~

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Katrina's POV.

"You guys suck, you really do,"

"Aw come on, surely we're not that bad?" The one called Max said to me from his seat on the back porch.

I paused in my somersaulting and gave him a dubious look.

"I'm hurt, Kat, I'm genuinely hurt,"

"Not as much as I am," I said raised my eyebrows at him and lifted my leg, motioning to the long, whit thread tied multiple times around my ankle and the end attached to a heavily snoozing Darren's ankle.

"Well you did try and escape," The other on called Jackson said taking a seat on one of the steps.

"We're just taking precautions, and it was you that demanded she be allowed to go outside, so we're just trying to make sure you don't escape again." Max said giving me a cheesy grin.

What a dick.

Of course I planned on escaping, and I was going to do it soon I just needed a chance to do so.

I did one final somersault then flopped back on the grass and stared up at the sky.

**********(just keep reading, you'll understand why the stars are here further on)**********

Escape plan #2 sequence, step 1 initiated. 

"Maaaaax, Jackson!" I whined.

"What?" They answered in unison and both with equal boredom.

"Can you get me noms? I'm reaaaaally hungry," I said rolling onto my stomach and given them puppy eyes.

Jackson crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Gonna try and escape again are we, Kat?"

I rolled my eyes and lifted my leg, giving it a gentle tug and making Darren groan in his sleep, his arm coming over his face and shielding his eyes.

Damn he looked hot.

I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts. Focus Kat, you're escaping.

"Alright, but we'll be watching," he said pointing at me then both of then disappeared into the house.

Step 1 of the great escape: complete.

Step 2 initiated.

I jumped to my feet when they were completely out of my ear shot and I bit into the thread around my ankle with my extended fangs.

Spitting the remaining thread out I checked that Darren was still asleep, and then bolted.

Step 2 of the great escape: complete.

I ran and ran through the woods until I could no longer see the pack house and I could finally take a brake.

Sighing I leaned against a tree and stretched out the kinks in my muscles, thankfully I was wearing my converse so my feet wouldn't get sore but they were already in bad shape so I didn't think they'd be able to carry me far.

I looked around at my current surroundings and was thankful that I didn't recognize any of it, that meant I was going in the right direction.


"Oh fuck,"

I pushed off the tree and whirled round. 





Five rogues. 

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