8.~~You Think You Know Me So Well?~~

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Hey everyone! 

I'm so so sorry I haven't updated this story in sooooo long, I've been busy as you all know but now I'm free and I've finally gotten round to writing the next chapter! 

Hopefully you guys have bared with me and are gonna keep reading despite my lateness with this update. 

Enjoy anyway!


Katarina's POV. 

I didn't know I had been twisting the spoon in my hands until I heard the high pitched 'phatick!' of it snapping in two. 

"You alright there, Kat?" Jackson said sarcastically, his eyebrows raised. 

I looked down at the spoon then at him, then to Max that was sat opposite me at the kitchen island with a bowl of cereal, then back at the spoon. 

"Kat?" I couldn't hear Jackson anymore as I walked out of the kitchen and through the open hallways of the house, going straight to library. 

No. That was my answer for Jackson. 

I wasn't alright.

Things couldn't be worse. 

I had been away for a week and a half. 

My life and the lives of the people around me will be ruined if I don't find a way to escape and get back. 

Even if I do escape and return to the district house, what would I say to the master? 

More importantly, what would he do to me?


"Kitten? Baby?" 

My eyes snapped open and whatever I was doing must have required some form of concentration as whatever balance I had I lost and I fell face forward to the floor. 

"Ow," I rubbed my stinging cheek as I listened to a certain deep, husky and very, very sexy laugh filled the library and echoed off the walls. 

I sat up and dangled my legs over the side- wait what? 

I looked down and then around me as I realized I had been on top of one of the bookshelves,  what I had been doing I'm not sure but it was probably something that looked absolutely ridiculous. 

"What do you want?" I said not too nicely as I glared down at Darren.

Darren frowned at me and crossed his arms over his chest, muscles bulging and all. 

"What got into you Kitten? I was just laughing," 

"Yeah, whatever," It wasn't Darren's fault, I just wasn't in the mood for joking around and if my memory was right then life was going to get far worse for me. 

I sighed and stood up on the bookshelf, hopping from the top of this one to the next and then the next until I was in the centre of the library on the highest shelf. 

"Kitten, what's wrong? Did I do something to annoy you? Was it one of the guys?" Darren asked sounding concerned. 

He stopped just below me and sat on the window seat across from me, his elbows resting on his knees. 

"Look, wolf boy, I'm not your 'kitten'," I said using my fingers to make quotation marks as I frowned down at him. 

I needed to push him away, I wanted to push him away, even when he wasn't close to me, he needed to hate me and what I am so he would let me leave. 

"And I'm not what you think I am," I crossed my arms and watched the small spark of interest ignite in Darren's eyes. 

He had walked straight into my trap. 

"Do tell, Kitten," Darren said smirking. 

Pacing back and forth on the shelf top I stared down at Darren. 

Moments must have passed as we continued this unspoken battle of locked gazes until I finally broke the contact.

"How much do you know about demons?" I asked continuing to pace.

Darren looked taken aback by the question and blinked a few times before looking back up.

"Well, I know there are around eighteen species, all varying in size, appearance and-"

I cut him off through what was a good start to a documentary but not exactly what I was wanting him to tell me, I needed him to start me off on something I could use against him. 

"That's not what I mean, what I'm asking is what do you know of demons personally?" 

"I don't understand, you're the only demon I've met, and so far the experience has been...eventful," he said smirking. 

I rolled my eyes and cracked my knuckles, something I did when I was starting to get aggravated. 

"So I take it you don't know what we do day-to-day then?" I said placing my hands on my hips and raising an eyebrow. 

Darren frowned again, I had to admit his frown was extremely sexy, his eyebrow always tilted just a bit too much the right side and the way his mouth curved into a small pout- stop it Kat! 

"No, I can't say I do," Darren answered. 

"In the District house there are rules. Rules all the demons under its roof must follow. The main rules are; do not reveal our existence to humans, vampires, werewolves etc. Do not harm the District system; which basically means don't steal profits, resources and such from the District Masters," I said waving my hand nonchalantly.  

"And do not stray from our assignments. If these rules are followed we are left to do as we please, the Master only ever calls on us if we have a new job or if he is congratulating us on a successful and high pay. Despite these rules there are only two that rule above them, the two most important." I focused directly on Darren now, my eyes holding all the seriousness I needed to get across to him. 

Darren was standing now,  directly below me with his arms tensed and his face showing a strong look of curiosity but also the seriousness I must have been showing too. 

"Do not mix or breed with other species outside the demon tree, and whenever intimidated or  threatened in their presence, never - even if its brakes the first rule of keeping demon life a secret- never, let a werewolf live.


So that's chapter eight! 

I know it's short but I'm leaving it to you guys to imagine what happens next! I'll update again soon. Sooner than I have done anyway but please tell me what you think's gonna happen! 

Please comment!



~ Bronnie! :)


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