9.~~My Braking Point~~

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It's back!!

Howl My DJ Demon is baaaaack!!! WOOOOO

I am so sorry to all of you that have been waiting ages to finally get a chapter of this story and for me to finally get my ass back on track with it.

So this is for you guys and I'm going to make it as long as I can to make up for the time I have been missing.

Song on the side is "Had Enough" by Braking Benjamin -------> (Thought the video was cool :P)

Enjoy everyone!


Andrew's Pov.

I still can't believe they're making us look for her.

Can't they just leave her alone?

Can't he?

I know this is a change from my tone last time towards her but in all honesty I cared for her, Katarina was my friend, I didn't want to see her in his hands again.

God knows what the Master would do with her and I didn't want to know, but we had our orders, I had my orders and despite them I wasn't able to deny them.

It was thanks to something in our DNA that the master had placed that we were unable to defy him.

And it honestly sucked ass.

One day I plan to brake it however and shove this stupid tracking chip he has in the back of my neck down his god damn throat.

Leaving the District house in the early hours of the morning gave me a chance to breathe the muggy, slightly disgusting but still fresh air of New York and a chance to clear my head from all the bullshit I have had to deal with the passed few days since Nathaniel fucked up with his job of following Katarina.

In all honesty I just wanted to find her and warn her of the Master and his plans for her but it had been months since she last saw me, I didn't expect her to remember what I looked like, hell, I wouldn't remember me after the change I had to go through.

I wasn't the same guy I was when she left, i had to step up after that day.

I had to become someone else through the beatings and torture that I took for the other younger demons that messed up.

It wasn't a choice I had to make but it was something I still gladly did, the fresh scars and bruises on my back were proof of that enough.

"Hey! Andrew! W...wait up!" I groaned in frustration at the sound of Nathaniel running up after me.

Fuck, I had left the house to get away from him, he was such a pain in the ass.

"What, Nathaniel, in the hell do you want?" I growled, continuing my journey down one of the many streets of this god forsaken city.

"The Master...he said he wants me...to work with you on shift....looking for her...." Nathaniel said through gasps as he tried to get his breath back.

Fucking prick.

"That fucking..." I shook my head violently and stuck my hands in my jean pockets.

This was such bullshit.

"Fine, Nathaniel, you can....work, with me, but I have some rules you need to follow," I turned the corner sharply and grabbed his collar, slamming him against the stone wall of one of the pubs on the street.

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