27. Losing Hold

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Artemis and Laura, they started being friends, Artemis found some support in Laura, she had spent every minute of the other week with Laura, Artemis came to knew about Laura's father.

She told him everything, something in Artemis made Laura want to tell, almost everything about her life, and Artemis told about Cheshire and her daughter.

The two became friends, quickly, but that did nothing for her and Conner. The two gave themselves enough space, no one stepped forward or backward.

Laura thought for at least two weeks if she should do something to try to cheer up Artemis so she decided to make a drawing of Wally, she drew a picture of him and her father together, but their faces were painted like Mexican skulls.

She had a draft ready after 2 days, so she went to the only person out of anything that could give a glimpse of an affair, she knew Wendy shortly but she considered her a good friend.

Wendy always stayed in a coffee shop near college after school. So she went there, she had her briefcase and her drawing in her hand as she envisioned Wendy sitting at a table.

"Wendy, I need to ask you something." - Laura said sitting down

" Hi Laura . "- Wendy

"I wanted to show you a drawing I'm working on." - Laura

"Is it for the college gallery?" - Wendy

" No , It's for a friend, she just lost  for her boyfriend in an accident, and I wanted  to draw a picture of him so she could keep it." - Laura

"That's really cool Laura, can I see?" - Wendy

Laura  took the drawing of Wally out of her case , and then Wendy looked at the picture and saw the details, Laura took time to look around and saw that there was a purse in the chair in front of her that wasn't Wendy's.

" Your not  alone?"- Laura asked

"What?" - Wendy

Then in front of her she approached the table , with a coffee in his hand, Laura almost panicked, it had been at least three weeks that they were avoiding each other .

"Hi Laura." - Conner said

"Hi Conner." - Laura

A very awkward silence prevailed in that room, taking everything in, while Conner and Laura bowed, with their mixed expressions.

"I didn't know you were coming." - Conner

"I didn't know you were here either." - Laura

"So how are we going to solve this bad atmosphere. Will it be like, standing, centered? "- Wendy

Conner sat down at the table in silence and before he could say anything,  Laura said: 

"I didn't know you two were dating ." - Laura

"No , were not , we just came to talk about  ..." - Wendy

"I want to take a trip through Europe for the winter holidays, and Wendy is helping me to plan it." - Conner

"But even if you were dating, it  would have no problem." - Laura

"Are you sure that  ? "- Wendy asked teasing Laura

"You have a lot in common, starting with the good taste in music, and I don't  know , I think you'd  be a nice couple." - Laura

"You t were talking  about this drawing, it  looks  amazing, but I think it's really cool what you're doing." - Wendy

" Thanks Wendy ." - Laura

"What drawing?" - Conner

"I'm doing a drawing of Wally, for Artemis, I think it would be a nice memory for her." - Laura

"Cool." - Conner

"You said you wanted some tips." - Wendy

"But if you want it could be another time, I don't want to disturb you two ." - Laura

"No, you're not in the disturbing ." - Conner

"Relax, I'll see you guys later." - Laura took off the table and left the restaurant 

She left and Conner watched her as she walked away, he looked a little sad 

"What is it  Conner, why are you like this?" - Wendy

"What do you mean?" - Conner

"You'r  in a very strange mood." - Wendy

"We kissed , but as this our friend ended up dying, then ..." - Conner

"You guys gave yourselfs some time." - Wendy

"Yeah." - Conner

"Oh Conner, you  hesitate, my you've been liking her since I met Laura, and when you see she  likes you , and  you let her escape ... you  hesitated ." - Wendy

"That's right." - Conner

"What a real advice, tell her what you feel, and tell the truth, if not at any moment she will fall in love with someone else, and then you'll  be the one to cry ." - Wendy

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