26. The Politics Of Dancing

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The mission to get Vandal Savage was successful, the expansion, left the earth but they left something behind, hurricane machines that caused cyclones, all over the planet. They had casualties that day, Wally ended up dying trying to help Flash, he died trying to save the people he loved, Laura didn't know him very well, neither Artemis nor Wally, but she saw the face of Artemis.

She looked devastated, both on the day he died as well as at his funeral, they buried an empty coffin, and they were all there, so she knew many of the secretive identities of the superheroes of the league now.

It was a very sad burial, Laura remembered all the people saying goodbye to Artemis, so before they all left, Laura took a knife from her boot and pierced her hand. Laura let some of her blood go over Wally's burial place so she closed her eyes and said:

"May my blood lead you close to my father, so may you wait with him for us." - Laura said

Laura opened her eyes and saw everyone looking at her, she didn't understand if she was wrong if she just being disrespectful in doing what she did then Artemis came close to her and asked.

"Why did you do this ?" - Artemis asked lightly

"For Wally's soul to rest along with my father's, Logan will take care of him while we aren't with them, my blood will guide him." - Laura

Artemis's eyes filled with tears, and then she said to Laura :

"Laura I don't think ..." - Artemis

"Artemis in the world of magic we discovered that at one point in the universe where people's energy goes, in short, what she did is not bullshit." - Zatanna interrupted Artemis

"My father will take care of him as if he were his blood." - Laura said reaching Artemis' shoulders, resting her hands there in reassurance

"Thank you." - Artemis said giving Laura a hug that was soon matched

The rest of the people went off, Dick, Conner, Artemis, and Laura went to a coffee shop, Dick and Artemis went to the queue to be able to buy them some coffee, leaving Conner and Laura alone.

"I guess I faltered, didn't I?"- Laura said

"What do you mean?" - Conner

"With what we have, I'm sorry for ... keeping it a secret." - Laura

"Relax, it's okay. Well did you regret it? "- Conner discouraged

"You are after all a prince charming of a person." - Laura said in a funny way

" Ohh god, Dick did ..."- Conner

" Yeah he did ."- Laura

Both laughed a little, it was clear that they wanted to make that moment better, but in the brink of Wally's death, thinks would still be going to take a while to get better. Laura stretched out her left hand and took Conner's hand, which was resting on the table, the two of them looked at each other with compassion and tenderness in their eyes.

"So everything's fine between us?" - Laura

" Yeah. "- Conner

"Ahh, okay, I thought ..." - Laura

"But you think, you're comfortable with this story of ours?" - Conner

"It's confusing ." - Laura

"I agree." - Conner

"Look, it's a little weird ... but I enjoy it." - Laura

"I also, I ... I love it but ... don't think we're going ..." - Conner

"Too fast." - Laura

"Yeah." - Conner

"Could it be ...?" - Laura

"I don't know." - Conner

The knew how awkward was what they were saying but after all, they were two clones made by villans, their whole life was kind of awkward, so they couldn't expect anything else from a relationship.

"What if we gave it a break?" - Both asked at the same time

"Just to see, what's the point of ... us." - Conner

"Were good even when we break up " - Laura

"I think this end, among many quotes, it deserves ..." - Conner

"A kiss?" - Laura

"Are you reading my mind or what?" - Conner

"I think we're very much the same." - Laura

They kissed each other, not too long, almost a peck, then they separated. They continue to look at each other with their hands linked, they knew that all were looking but at that moment, life had become too short for this type of subtlety.

"What was that?"- Artemis asked

"That's what happened between them, they kind of started, but I don't know." - Dick

"That is shit timing ." - Artemis

"Yeah, right."- Dick 

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