15. In my blood

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Laura slept deeply for hours, her brain devolved into a dream, for years she hadn't had a dream so lived, she saw her father and a few more people. She remembered what Charles had told her one day. He looked into her eyes, and said: 

"I see in your eyes, blue ,  green and  brown eyes, eyes that will close forever." - Charles said

Later she would come to know that he had taken it from a book, but he wasn't wrong, she closed many blue, green and brown eyes, but she saw her father's face as well.

He had a neutral expression, he didn't seem to be proud of her, but he didn't look at her in disgust either, she recognized the blood in her hands, but she knew it was for a greater good than she did that .

But then she saw a creature, a white creature, an alien it  was big at least a few heads larger than Laura's father who was almost a 1, 90 in height.

Then she looked into the black eyes of that creature, they  didn't frighten Laura, but rather stung her, for she didn't know how that creature was there.

"Wake up Laura." - She listened

"What?" - Laura

"Wake up Laura." - He heard the creature say and immediately recognized the voice

Then Laura woke up, she knew who had gone into her head, she was still with her uniform, and her makeup, she put on a normal clothes and, less than two minutes and went marching to the kitchen

She saw that no one was there, but she saw in the clock that it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, well before she should wake up to go on the mission tonight, so she went to the room where they held the meetings, saw her target.

"Hi Laura." - Tim said but she ignored him

"What's your problem girl?!" - Laura said in a menacing tone

"What happened?" - Dick asked

"That crazy fucker , got into my head without my permission. While I was sleeping. "- Laura

"Is this true Miss Mars?" - Dick

"I..." - Megan

"Megan did you do that?" - Conner asked and he looked annoyed

"Did you?" - Dick

"I just woke her up? Why did you say that you wanted to uncover the mission with the Alpha team? "- Megan

"Megan, it wasn't a compulsory argument.  There was no need for this . "- Dick

" I'm warning you, if you  come into my head without my permission again , I swear I'll cut you in 3 pieces ." - Laura said turned around and going  back to her room

"I can't believe you did that ." - Conner said going after Laura

She locked the door to her bedroom, and lay down on her bed thinking about what Megan had  done, that didn't make her feel good, but threatened by  Megan, but it  might not have been the most mature thing to do by going after her .

Then she heard a knock on her metal door of her room , she closed her eyes she wanted to be able to think for a second, she was no longer sleepy, but she was irritated.

She pushed to the door and opened , and faced the  blue eyes, those blue eyes, which swallowed up people who didn't know him , but who ingrained Laura with there  mysteries and remarks.

"What do you want Conner?" - Laura asked irritably

"Are you okay?" - Conner

"Why wouldn't I be?" - Laura

"Cause  did you just had  a telepath in your head." - Conner

"You really think this was the first time a telepath came into my head ? " - Laura

"No, but I know it can make you creeped out ." - Conner

"Relax Conner, I won't cut your girlfriend in 3." - Laura

" She's not my girlfriend ."- Conner

" Uhhhuuum ."- Laura 

"I don't agree with what she does ... and I just wanted to let you know  that your right to be angry ." - Conner

"Thank you." - Laura

Are you afraid now? ( under revision )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora