8. Wolves

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Washinton was a relatively small town, compared to Gotham and Atlanta, so going to Cadmus wasn't much of a problem as they reached the door of Cadmus Labs, Conner turned to Laura before they stepped in.

"What do we do now?" - Conner

"You go in and give an excuse to enter and I'll get in ." - Laura

"What do you mean?" - Conner

"You are the distraction, now go ." - Laura

Conner got into Cadmus and then told the receptionist a false name, he had two theories of what was going to happen, they were going to pick him up right there and put him on ice or they were going to wait for him to come in, and the two options didn't help him feel confident about her plans.

"We both came to visit the facility." - Conner heard a familiar voice, it was clear that Dick would be there, he must have heard Laura talk about Washington

He turned and saw, his long time friend, he had his usual smirk on his lips and was trying to flirt with the receptionist. Something told Conner that it was going to work, I always did.

"Yes, I'll be right back." - The receptionist said getting up

"The league has already surrounded the building."- Dick said

Conner used his thermal vision, he saw Martian Manhunter Superman and Batman on the roof of the facility, and with his hearing, he can hear the rest of the team surrounding the rest of the building.

"She's coming in." - Conner whispered to Dick

"The thing that came from the other universe ?" - Dick

"She isn't a thing. She's so much like me that it freaks me out a bit. "- Conner said

Then an alarm started to sound as if a fire had started, Dick picked up the communicator and told the rest of the league to entering, Superman broke the roof followed by Batman and Martian Manhunter.

From inside the elevator, a man in his lab coat left running, no one in the room had ever seen him, he was a man with a head disproportionate to his body, he seemed afraid, trembling to look at the door of the elevator that didn't close. As if he was running from some kind of haunting spirit.

It didn't take much time for the elevator ceiling to be shattered, and there she was, Laura seemed to be beside herself with an exponential rate of pure growing rage, she showed her claws out of her hand and ran toward the big-headed man.

He gave two bad shots with a gun he pulled from his lab coat, that made scratches on Laura, then he fell to the ground, she took a knife out of her leg, it had some words carved along the blade.

"Blood and honor, which will be the first to be taken from you, old man?" She asked looking at the knife and reading the words carved on the blade

She questioned, and everybody in the room stayed as silent as they could, something told every individual in that room, that if they interrupted her, they would be the target of her rage.

"You're not going to make me talk, you freak ."- He said

"Blood then."- Laura took the claw from her feet and tucked it into the man's knee

"Laura no ."- Conner pushed her away from the man

She tried to escape from his grasp, but lucky Laura didn't have super strength, like Conner, so the only thing she could do was shake violently, while Conner tugged her away.

" Pretty harmless hun." - Dick said getting close to them

"I told us not to them." - Conner

Conner managed to take Laura against her will out of Cadmus and into one of the team ship, where Wally, Megan, Dick, and Batman were. As Megan flew away, Batman got closer to Laura, that seemed to be calmer by know.

"This is the subject that fell from the other dimension?" - Batman

"Did you tell them about me?" - Laura

"More or less." - Conner

"And I bet you said we were coming to Washinton. You fucking snitch." - Laura

"No, you said that on the phone and I heard it ." - Dick stated

"Shit." - Laura

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