Chapter 2

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Laylana had the weekend to enjoy to herself but the hunger of blood was making her insane! 

She's a werewolf but-

Waking from a nightmare was already expected.

David dumped her at the worst way at possible! 

By humiliating her! 

Shaking it all away but the pain still lingers in her chest, she sat at her bed and thought about everything again.

'David,  David, David! 'her mind yelled in frustration and anger.

Grinding her teeth and marched to the family kitchen to drink something cold. She didn't want to call Jessica, the woman was pregnant and was in need of rest.

Upon her walk,  she heard a crash at her brother's room.

Another broken lamp. She sighed, peeking in the broken door knob. Feeling empathy for her brother, true he wasn't the best but to see him like this? Suffering was painful.

Four and a half months ago********


"Hey Cole you sure you don't need a ride? " said Josh to his buddy and Beta.

"Nah man it's alright I feel like me and my wolf could use a run. "

"Cool man, tell me when to pick you up for tomorrow. Jessica is surely going to be trilled." said Josh as he grinned and I waved up good-bye before disappearing in the trees.

Orange, yellow and red was the color of the season, Autumn how much the air smells like cinnamon, pumpkin spice, honey and Crisp leaves.

Randy my wolf is already prancing in glee. I was already Alpha in our pack and I was planning of officially making Jessica my girlfriend for the past two years as my mate and Luna. When I turned sixteen I visited every wolf gathering held for me to find my mate yet nothing and visited countless parties of other beings like witches and demons but nothing. One time though I tour upon the mortal world for half a year!  Yet nothing!  Now twenty-two I am confident enough to make my own decisions,  sure my Father and sister doesn't like Jessica one-bit but why would I care if they didn't like Jessica. She's beautiful, alluring, sexy and fun to be with.

It's not their life, it's mine and I want to be happy even if Jessica isn't my mate. She already rejected her mate to be with me and she was my world. I don't fucking care of who and where my mate right now is but who cares, especially not me! 

Removing my clothes and folded it neatly for my wolf to carry later on his mouth as I morphed into him. Changing forms hasn't been painful but it was back then. When first shift at the age of eight. The Alpha's children has the privilege of early transform and meeting their wolves while others had to wait until sixteen or eighteen.

My mother was a daughter of an Alpha so I have a tendency to be greater than my father though she lives with her mate in another pack. Their union wasn't marriage but because of the mating ceremony where werewolves are bred to be stronger, faster, and greater. It was a form of mutual contract for the time being in sending daughters of an alpha to marry a wolf of same status of her. While doing that she doesn't need to reject her mate for the sake of bearing powerful pups.

Reaching a small pond towards home I bowed down to drink. My wolf Randy was in the state of bliss as I let him take control, running and playing at the river bound we have came to love. We stared at our reflection with the slightly calm waters. There we could see a black wolf and that was specifically the reason why I was named Cole since my Father was also a black wolf though my mother was grayish. I never really call her mother but I do consider her one, it is only accustomed to us werewolves in high ranks to play this part. The male genetic then to be dominant than a females.

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