At the beginning of this letter I wrote that I'm let down by everyone I meet. Has he let me down? Yes, and the only difference between this and my first boyfriend is that it was for a good reason. He did it in the best interest of me. My hands are literally shaking and my eyes are watering because this is getting me so emotional. My throat hurts because tears are getting stuck. Ah!

The difference between my first love and this love, is that I know there's worth and value of this and I'm gonna fight for him. I know I wrote earlier what is there to fight for when you're already in love, but I didn't understand true love until now. Love is a battle. You fight through anything life throws at you to be with each other because nothing can take that away.

But he's moving back home. A couple of days ago, after we talked in his front yard, he went back inside his house to discuss Italy with his dad. He looked excited for the conversation. Gracious Gardens isn't his problem anymore. He and his family belong in Genoa. Here's something else about love: "If you love someone, set them free."

Putting the pen down, Bobbi throws back her head and lets out a groan. Tears drop from her eyes and splatter on her page as she lowers her head and slumps her shoulders. Shakes her head to snap out of her emotional distress and gently taps under her eyes to stop crying. Stop being dramatic, Bobbi. She lets out another long wail to get it out of her system. Takes a deep breath to fully let everything out and she's better afterwards.

'Doll, can I come in?' Lucas calls from the outside of her door.

'Yeah,' she responds, her voice stronger than expected, folding the letter into four sides and hiding it under her lamp, a corner of the paper sticking out. Stays seated at her desk, expecting him.

In steps Lucas, dressed up in a formal attire. He wears a buttoned up white shirt, except the top button remains unclasped, one or two chest hairs exposed - a casual flare to his outfit. His jeans are a dark blue and Bobbi knows they're his expensive ones. She wonders if he's got a meeting to head out to, but it's a bit late for one of those.

'Okay, doll—' he blows out a breath—'I'm literally leaving this last minute and it's only because I'm nervous to say it out loud and I'm anxious about your feelings on the matter, you know, taking into consideration that you've been sensitive these past couple of days.' Sits on the edge of her bed and takes her hands into his when she turns to face him.

'Daddy, are you okay?' Her heart drops to her stomach and she swallows hard. Looks down at his hands holding hers, seeing how serious this must- she sees right off the bat that his wedding band isn't on his ring finger anymore. Her eyes widen, lips parted. Meeting his eyes, she says, 'Dad, you're not wearing your wedding ring—' she shakes her head—'You must've left it in the bathroom when washing your hands or something.' Her small smile fades as she watches him, his demeanour shifting from eager to anxious.

His body stiffens and the liveliness that usually sparkles in his eyes is gone as he's grim-faced. There's something serious, something hidden, behind his green eyes. He licks his lips before saying the words he put off to say aloud. Words that shake him and make him want to hide away like he did when Bobbi was a young child, but it's time for a change. It's time to stop hiding completely. 'No, doll. I took it off. I thought it was time.' His hands begin to tremble in hers, so he takes them back and crosses his arms over his chest. Bobbi Grace stares at him, slack jawed. Before she can digest the words, Lucas confesses, his eyes squeezed shut like he'll regret saying it out loud, 'I've got a date in twenty minutes.'

She gasps and lets her jaw drop again, same with her shoulders, and her head tilts over to her right shoulder. 'Really?' She didn't think this moment would come. What a surprise! When the shock wears off, she's gleaming. She's very happy for him, hope beaming in her eyes. If someone deserves happiness, it's her father. She wants him to be happy, not lonely. It's time he took care of himself; she's proud. Happy tears prickle in her eyes but she refrains herself from crying.

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