
Next comes packing.

Finding the artifact and 'summoning' the Heroic Spirit would take two weeks max so she had month and half with her.

With that in mind she packed some light clothes and swim suit to visit the Suna Beaches.




Holy Grai War Book


Mercury -Hg- for summoning (don't ask her she just had scroll full of that AND she REFUSED to use the Blood).


Snacks for the road


Getting to gates



This was going to be a fun.


"damn it"

Frantic footsteps ran through the dense forest as Sakura proceed to run away from the crazy giant tigers.

She cursed that damned old man silently in her heart as she panted.

She asked him the shortest way to the Shikon Shrine and the bastard had mislead her and now she was just this close to being dinner of the damned spiritual Beasts.

As she had decided to Humor the prankster she throught that she might get real artifact as well.

The Shikon Shire was place where legendary miko was buried about 4 hundred years ago and there obviously would be several things that belonged to her.

She wasn't certain if she would be Saber or Archer or Caster as she had been one of the best in arts of Swords, Archery and she was pretty sure that making Protective Seals, Briers and Prayers would count anough for a caster.

"if I even survive thus I will broil that old geezer. Slowly. Painfully"

As she was muttering she was unconsciously letting out dark aura that scared the poor tigers, but they were damn to proud to let tiny, pink haired, human, pixie, girl to get better on them.

As if hearing their throughts Sakura abruptly stopped with an murderous aura around her and cracked her knuckles.

Four tigers that were chasing her were now clutching each other while trying to sink into the giant tree that blocked their path of escape.

Four tigers that were chasing her were now clutching each other while trying to sink into the giant tree that blocked their path of escape

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"what was that bitches~?"



After she was done with the foolish tigers Sakura harruphed and stomped her way away from them childishly.

Sakura: you wanna get some too?!

Author: n-NO!

Sakura: good!

Sakura snickered at the Author's scared cat attitude and continued to walk forwards, where safest way was located.

Honestly if she didn't wanted to be scared then she mustn't write stuff like that.

Author: TT^TT

Anyways back to the story after a several hours when it was already midnight with half moon full she found what she was searching for.

Shikon Shrine had been builded in the cave where great Miko named Midoriko had fought hundreds of demons and sealed them along with her own soul as a protective barrier.

Even since then she had been considered as a hero to the people. Civilians and Shinobi alike.

Yes it was perfect spirit to summon.

Sakura paused and frowned at her own throughs.

Maybe she was getting little too excited about it.

It was all to Humor the prankster and to kill her boredom off, right?


It wasn't like she had any peculiar reason to desire the Holy Grail Power, if that was even true.

And also she didn't think that even if it was real there wouldn't be any consequences.

Nothing was free.

Especially such an powerful thing.

Even if it was only one wish it had very great potential and power.

Also she had no desire to have any connections with that war.

Many masters and the heroic servants died through the past wars.

Spirits were Ressurected as they were part of the throne of heroes and many other had became heroes their selves, but...

Much more had died because of their own greed, foolish desires and childish ambitions.

Sakura didn't believe that anything the book said was true about the Grail.

If anything if those things were true only reason Sakura would seek the Grail was to destroy it to stop this foolish never ending cycle of chaos and destruction.

As she was discltracted by her dark throughts Sakura didn't notice that she had walked into the shrine-cave until it was too late and earth had dissapeared from under her feet


She didn't noticed that she was too far into the cave and when she had reached certain destination earth below her had collapsed causing her to scream her lungs out as she fell through the wide hole.

Sakura had been falling for a while and she was barely able to soften her fall with the chakra as she hit the hard surface.

She cursed whoever dug this hole.


She was rolling for not even for a whole minute and when she finally stopped she hit her head on the stone and got knocked out.

Great. Just. Great.

What next?

Aliens invasion?

Chakra goddesses?

Crazy A+ mom's that got sealed away to the moon?













Damn, she just jinxed herself didn't she?

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