Chapter 20 - Declaration

Comenzar desde el principio

"Now that's more like it." Everin said picking up her utensils to eat.

She extended her hand to pick up a fork but couldn't find one. Deep breathes, take deep breathes. Even though this wasn't restaurant, how can the service be this bad? The food portions are unbalanced, and they don't even provide enough utensils. Kevin who started on his entrée saw that Everin still haven't touched the food.

"Is something wrong? Why are ye not eating?"

"The service is so bad. They forgot to give me a fork. How am I supposed to eat without a fork?" Everin said with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"Everin...," Kevin was weirded out by the lad. "...forks are used for cooking."

Everin looked up at Kevin and saw that Kevin eating with a knife and his bare hands. She looked around and saw everyone doing the same thing. They sliced their steaks with their knives and then picked up the meat with their other hand and placed it into their mouths.

First, she was fighting with a servant over deer meat, something that she had never eaten in her life and apparently people eat steaks with their hands and forks are only used for cooking. Was there something else that she needs to know before she loses her sanity?

Everin cut herself a slice of the pie that was placed in the middle of the table. The nice golden brown of the crust made her drool. She eagerly took a large bite of the pie and found out that it was savory rather than sweet.

"What is this? It is so good." Everin said.

"It's a meat pie." Kevin answered. "It is made from scraps of meat and the innards of the deer."

Everin stopped chewing and immediately spat the disgusting thing that she placed inside in her mouth.

"Is something wrong?"

Everin gargled her mouth with water and spat the water back into her drinking cup. "Why didn't you tell me before I ate it?"

"I thought ye knew what it was."

Oh, she could still taste the innards in her mouth. Any moment, she was going to puke. She covered her mouth and rushed out the dining hall.

"Everin, where are ye going?"

The lad disappeared out the dining hall.

"Looks like something happened to lad." Sir Lee said watching the lad from a distance. "Do you think he is ill again? It's worrying me that he didn't touch his food and left so suddenly."

"Any food given to someone who don't value it is wasted." Sir Williams said.

Sir Lee placed his elbows on the table and leaned forward. "You shouldn't be saying that Sir Williams. You are the pickiest eater I know."

After throwing up the last of the deer meat she ate, Everin felt so much better. She was positive that was the last of the deer innards. She leaned back on the stone pillar and rested under the warm sunset.

"Why don't you take the lad in as a squire?" Sir Lee asked Sir Williams abruptly.

Sir Williams choked on his food and grabbed his cup of water. Why was the knight so rattled? Was the question that shocking? Sir Lee thought it was a good idea, since Everin has been practicing with Taylor during the afternoons. The lad seemed to be interested and motivated.

"I will kindly decline that offer." Sir Williams said after clearing his throat.

"It will be good for you as well. Right now, your squire is currently injured. Why not accept the lad as a squire and at the same time, you can train him."

Everdog: Tale of the First Female KnightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora