"Damn luck, it's cool that I have all this, but what is it for? It's not like I'm gonna slay a giant", little did he know the troubles that were coming his way and the adventure he was going to take.

He got in front of the car and saw a small town in front of him, "Hmm, maybe I should check the village and see what I can learn about this place".  

He starts his car, drives to the village. As he arrives people start to worry and hear the loud noise, at first they thought it was a Titan but then they saw a small metal thing, the noise was coming from the car. He then stops and gets out and takes his keys. Many people around him are spectacle about seeing the contraption he then approaches an older man that was right beside the area where he parked, it seemed like he was a blacksmith.

"Sir, hello I wondering where is the town hall"? Lucas asked. 

"Townhall? We don't have one of those here", the man said. The man then turned to look at Lucas's car,"...Young man if I may ask, how does that contraption work" the older man asked. 

Lucas looked at his car and then thought [Wait, what, these people don't have any cars. Hmm now that I think about it why am I the only one to have one?] He looks back at the older man and tells him that it's like a carriage only that it doesn't need a horse. 

"Hey, old man, I got a question. What is the name of this town". Lucas thought that if there was no town hall then just ask the residence. 

"I see that you're not from around here, I could have guessed from your appearance and that carriage", the old man said. 

 {Hehe, he's calling it a carriage, how sad] Lucas thought.

"You are in Shiganshina District, It seems like you need a recap", Stepping outside the blacksmith shop the older man leads Lucas to the road. 

The old man then points at the wall, "see that giant wall, that's wall maria, here in our nation we have three big walls that protect us from the Titans. The first one is Wall Maria, then Wall Rose, and lastly Wall Sina. They are all protected by the knights of this country. First is the Garrison's which protect the walls, then there's the Survey corp  which go outside the walls to kill titans and lastly there's the Military police, they mostly just guard the capital and the king."

 Lucas was thinking [hmm, interesting they live in medieval age with three walls surrounding them and then there are these soldiers that protect them from these so-called titans, wait, titans?] Lucas asks the man "Old man, what are these titans"? 

The older man looks at him spectacle and then says "You don't know them, where did you come from, they are these huge monsters with a human-like appearance and an appetite for human flesh, they can also grow back limbs. They have killed almost 40 percent of the humans already. If you don't know that then you must have never seen one." 

"Wow, I've never seen them, but how do you kill these things", Lucas asked. 

The man then replied, "If you wanna know then you gotta watch the soldiers do their stuff, but I doubt they'll even let you be there in during a Titan attack. They only go out of the wall to attack them."

 Lucas again in thought [hmm, I have to learn that weak spot if I wanna take it down]. "Hey old man thanks for all the info," Lucas said.

 "No problems young one," the old man replies.

Lucas then turns back to his car and sees a lot of people looking at it. He gets in and then starts the car scaring the people away from it and heads for the hill.

 After a while, he found a spot to chill he then sits by the tree and looks down the hill. "Man, I wish I knew what I'm am doing here. I know that I'm not supposed to be here, but I don't even know where I'm from." He then gets up and reaches for a branch while at the same time trying to remember something. 


Lucas then sees images flying all around him. He sees people running and giants towering over the streets. He sees people being devoured by the Titans, he sees this while looking down from the hill.

"Aaah!"Lucas snaps back and gets down on his knees "What the hell was that did I just see a vision"? In his thought [What is was that, was that tomorrow? Were those things, Titans? Wait, wait if I saw it once maybe I can see it again?], He picks up a rock and remembers what he was thinking and doing before he got the previous vision. 


Once again he sees this vision only this time there are new images of this same incident. "What the hell is this power" he tries it over and over again until he finally believes that he has had enough. "So if I hold something and I think very deeply of trying to get memories I get a vision from that object, pretty cool". The only problem he has is that he doesn't know how the attack will start or if it's even gonna happen. 

"The only way is that I have to test it on someone but who, nobodies here and it's already night." [Maybe I'll try tomorrow, anyway I'll go back to those plains it will be better to get less attention from now on.] He then starts the car and heads outside the wall into the plains of Wall Maria.

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