02 | chat noir

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the dark alleyway stank of rotting food. rats scurried along the walls, diving into opened sewer drains and overfilling dumpsters.

"what the heck," marinette muttered, staying as far away from the creepy critters as she could manage. tikki dove into marinette's purse in fear of the rabid animals.

marinette fondled with her earrings, a habit she had come familiar with throughout her experience as ladybug.

"hurry up, marinette!" tikki squeaked, her head popping out of the bag.

marinette complied, agreeing to the request as she sped up her pace.

looking up at the sky, she sighed, wondering about the recent events from the past events from the past few days. just where was her partner? her friend? what happened to them?

the clattering noise of a can had echoed through the alley, making marinette jump. she gasped in response, her head instantly spinning toward the noise. her shoulders tended up at the sudden noise, the switch in her body turned on. her battle instincts had been activated.

marinette looked behind her, eyes hardening as she tried to look through the shadows. she heard footsteps, soft but noticeable.

her eyes widened. who's there? what's going on?

her legs wobbled and she changed her course of direction. her footsteps sped up, adrenaline pumping through her veins, and she could swear that she heard the footsteps behind her quickened as well.

the sounds of her heartbeat pounded in her ears, the footsteps behind her becoming mute.

she stopped for a quick second, clutching into her chest in an attempt to calm her rapid heart. the pounding came to a stop and she listened for the strange noises that emitted from behind her. there was no more.

she huffed in relief, bending down to her knees. all the energy she had obtained suddenly drained out of her as if her soul had been taken from her mouth.

backing up onto a wall, eyes closed, she buried her head into her knees, pondering the many possibilities that could have happened if the figure behind her had caught her.

an akuma? she thought, her heart beginning to race once again. no. it wouldn't have given up as easily as that.

she shook her head in denial.

the pigtailed teen's purse shook in fear, showing tikki's distress. she was scared, too. that made the both of them. she sat for a while, contemplating on whether to go or not and wondering what the person would do to her if they caught her.

the sound of a disarrayed cat had followed the sound of the rustle of a dumpster, the sound of an object falling from a short height. marinette jumped in shock as the once quiet alleyway suddenly interrupted with noise once again.

marinette looked up, opening her eyes cautiously, bracing for what she would see.

standing up, marinette shakily walked towards the noise.

curiosity killed the cat.

because she had not looked down, a tin can made contact with her feet. she picked it up, thinking its sharp jutted edges could be used as a weapon.

looking left and right, she tried to find her possible pursuer.

a box that had been turned sideways had rattled, signaling marinette that there was something in it.

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