In the Beginning

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A young god by the name of Elohim found an uninhabited piece of land and from his own hands, he molded two. Adam, the first man and my mother, Lilith, the first woman.

Lilith, as Adam, was created equally from Earth, but after he refused to see her as an equal, she fled their home in the Garden of Eden. Feeling betrayed by him, Lilith went to Elohim seeking vengeance but, He denied. He did not want to kill his precious human, so Lilith went looking for vengeance elsewhere. When she could not find it, she decided to return to Eden, but upon her arrival, Adam was with another, Eve was her name. Seeing as she was not wanted anymore, Lilith fled once more.

All alone, she found solace in a cave far from her home. Lilith cried for she had no place to call home. Her tears fell from her cave, cascading down like a waterfall, flooding the earth below. Her cries created massive storms that endangered the lives of the humans and so, Samael was sent to get rid of this problem. The angel enlisted the help of his 'brother' Lucifer and after great difficulty, the two angels finally found the source of the humans' demise and when the time for confrontation came, they were stopped in their tracks, mesmerized by Lilith's beauty.

"Why is it that you cry?" Samael asked her.

"I have lost my home, and I am not wanted by the one who was created for me..."

"He is flawed if he cannot see the beauty that you are," Samael spoke to her softly.

The two angels share a look before coming to an agreement, "Come with us, we can give you more than he ever could," said Lucifer.

It was from that day on, the trio sought revenge. Elohim wasn't always vigilant of the Garden, he was God, always had other things to tend to and the angels he placed to keep watch weren't always the smartest. Lilith stayed put in her cave as Samael and Lucifer devised their plans. Before the two angels returned to heaven and resumed their jobs, they had planted the tree of knowledge in the Garden. As some time went on, Lucifer put on these spectacles for his siblings, claiming he was the greatest, that he was the wisest and that he will create a kingdom above God's, a kingdom with no flaws like his father had made.

Elohim was furious. Lucifer had influenced the minds of his siblings, something he hadn't expected to happen. A war brewed between Lucifer and God's most loyal servant, Michael. The angels were divided, some siding with Lucifer and some siding with Michael, but ultimately, this only served as a distraction. As the battle between angels happened above, Samael had turned into a serpent, slithering into the Garden, and tempting God's precious humans. He started with Eve first, slipping into her bed as Adam and spilling his seed in her, then lastly came Adam. He came to him as Eve, telling Adam that God had given them permission to eat the fruit and of course, the human was skeptical at first, but eventually ate the fruit. When Eve finally awoke, Adam fed her the fruit, corrupting them even further.

It was too late when Elohim found out that they'd been corrupted. Lucifer and a third of the angels were cast out of heaven and wreaked havoc on earth, using their powers to corrupt the rest of his creations.

While ravaging the minds of the humans, Elohim sent Michael on an important task of finding the source of Lucifer's change and put a stop to it. For days Michael watched Lucifer from afar, tracking his movements, and he noticed that there was one place the fallen angel frequented and was a cave above a waterfall. Michael creeped inside after watching his 'brother' leave, only to find Lilith. She tried to put up a fight, but she was easily overpowered and taken. He brought her high above the heavens, calling out for his brother, his voice ringing out like thunder, claiming he had his woman. But much to his demise, the one who appeared was Samael, not Lucifer. That wasn't a fight Michael was prepared for, but still, he faced the challenge head on. He dropped Lilith with a wicked smile, but Samael and Lucifer had prepared for this.

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