"I know what I am saying. I like you, but more as a friend. You can be boring, and you don't like the same things I do. I want to break up with you."

I stood there, frozen. She didn't love me. Since the beginning she had only liked me as a friend. We hadn't even kissed, damn it. I should've guessed!


My eyes were filled whith tears.

"I will be... walking in the forest. I think it'd be better for you if you went home."

She entered the forest. I stood there, crying without making a sound.

"Hi, kid."

I turned around and saw a tall man with black hair and very pale skin. I knew him... but why?

"Would you like to recover what you have lost? Would you like to recover the heart of that little human girl?"

I nodded, not really knowing what I was doing.

"You will have to start from zero, but I swear you will have her back soon. Good luck...my son." '

I looked around and saw I was in the beach. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't realise it before. I continued walking, enjoying the view. I saw a very high cliff and sat on the beach near it, listening to the waves. I looked up again. Was that... (Y/N)? And then... she jumped. I saw everything in slow motion and stood there, not able to think. She was only a few metres over the floor and I ran towards her. I shouted and stretched my arm pointing at her. Suddenly, a strange black sand created a pillow and she landed safely, not before hitting her head with a rock and black out. I looked at my hands and stared at them for a few seconds. Then I ran towards her and picked her up. Her head was bleeding a bit and she was moaning. I carried her all the way up the cliff and saw a house. The door was opened and I came in. I saw a bed and put (Y/N) down. I wrapped her with the blankets and cleaned her blood with some water. I sat down on a chair near her bed and waited for the owner to come back. I picked up a book: "The labyrinth of the dreaming books", Walter Moers. Sounds interesting... I started reading it. It was so warm, and I was so tired... I slowly fell asleep without noticing it.

Amser's PoV:

I couldn't be happier. Jack loved me! We returned together, holding hands. I tried to kiss him again, but he refused. Weird... We arrived home, and I immediately knew something was wrong. There was some blood on the floor. I opened the door and gasped. (Y/N) was on a bed, wrapped with some blankets and blood on her head. On a chair, near her, there was a boy. He had short black hair, and was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. I felt my face reddening. 'What's wrong with me? I've never loved anyone until now. And suddenly I fall in love with the first stranger I see? ' I shaked my head. But, I have to say it, he was handsome and looked really cute there, sleeping with that book in his han~ Wait a moment! Is that one of MY books !?

"Jack! Come here!"

I shouted, hoping the stranger would have a very bad awakening.

Jack flew towards me in the same moment the stranger opened his eyes. They were a strange golden brown...

I remember he was a stranger and that he had read one of MY books and left it OPENED.

"You! What's your name and what are you doing in MY house?"

"And, most important..." I picked up the book. "The labyrinth of dreaming books". Ooooh, this guy's gonna suffer.


Jack approached to me.

"Wow, wow, Amser. Calm dow~"


My hair had turned pitch black and my eyes were bright red. I realized what I just made when I saw Jack's face. I relaxed and turned back to normal.

"Sorry, Jack."

I turned back to the stranger with my hands on my hips and waited. He just stared at me. I started blushing.

"Well? Are you going to answer or you are just going to keep staring at me?"

The stranger blinked and looked around and, realising he had just stared for half an hour at an unknown girl, started blushing.

The stranger mumbled something looking at the floor.


The stranger lifted his head and looked at me

"I said 'Are you an angel?' "

I turned crimson red and started stuttering.

"T-that doesn't answer any of the q-questions."

"My name is Raven. (Y/N) jumped off a cliff and~"

"WHAT!?" Jack shouted and turned around , noticing the bed. He ran towards it and held (Y/N)'s hand. "Why would she do that?"

Raven continued talking, never looking  away from me. I started feeling uncomfortable.

"I caught her, but she hit her head with a rock. Her eyes were wet, and she looked like if she had been crying. I answered your questions. Now you must answer mine."

I blushed even more and answered.

"No, I'm not an... No, defimetly not."

"Hey, you two! Amser's not an angel, but here we've got a girl that is going to turn into one soon!"

(Y/N) coughed and started opening her eyes.

"Thank God!"


"Why would you do that, (Y/N)? Why?"

Tears filled Jack's eyes. Something wasn't right here.

"I-I loved you, Jack. I did. But then... I saw you kissing with Amser. Why, Jack?"

"I was jealous of you and the Raven boy. I only used Amser for making you jealous too. I love you, (Y/N)."

I felt an enormous pain in my chest and fell on my knees. I felt awful. 'I love you, (Y/N)'. And me? What about me? 'I only used Amser.' I felt like my insides and my heart were being ripped. I screamed in pain and fell to the floor. I hugged my knees to my chest. 'Nobody likes you.' Shut up! 'You have no friends.' (Y/N) is my friend! Jack is my friend! 'Really?' No... No! They aren't my friends. 'They deserve to die.' They deserve to die.

'And we will kill them...' Together.

A single snowflake - Jack Frost x Reader CANCELLEDWhere stories live. Discover now