"She's been asleep since the fight.... it drained her." Rasengan said, he helped his parents take a seat in their own bed while he started to make some instant noodles.

He was much like a mix between his father and mother but he took up most from his father. He was quiet and caring like his mother but he was tough and laid back like his father. He handed Ki's team one cup each and was about to get another for his parents but Kitsune said, "No need but thank you anyway, Raki (Rocky)."

Gai and his team sat by the couch as they watched Rasengan moved around trying to make his parents comfortable enough for them to fully rest. Gai smiled at the young man, "You've grown, Kasai." He chuckled and playfully hit him on the arm. He then turned to his team. "This is Kakashi's eldest, Rasengan Kasai Hatake." The young redhead only waved at them.

"Since when did you become hot?" Ki, a fit young lady with panther traits, smirked, her tail waving side to side as she eyed him. The rest of the group seemed surprised that she knew who he was. Of course they wouldn't know, Ki Koneko, was one of the most secretive person among the group, even more than Neji. She was quiet and usually serious and even Gai wouldn't want to push her too much. It was rare to see her being playful or talkative. "I remember that you were once a dork, since when did my dork become hot?"

"I would say the same to you." He chuckled and pointed at her. "You were a more dorky looking than me."

Ki gave him an offended look before breaking into a big smile, something the their group has never seen, well, except Gai. "So, how does it feel being in control again?"

The young man took a seat at the foot of his father's bed as his parents slept along with his sister. "Its good to be back; to be with my family again." He smiled before looking at his sister and noticing how Rock Lee was looking at her sadly. "Don't worry about my sister, she'll be fine, she's a fighter."

Lee only gave a nervous smile as TenTen stared at him, almost in awe.

Ki saw this and stood up. She smiled at the redhead. "Hows about we have a walk? I wanna catch up!" She wrapped her hands around his arm as he only looked at Gai for permission since his parents were already asleep.
Gai nodded and the two were off.

"Damn, I knew this would happen!" Ki exclaimed once they were out of the room, her fists clenching as she looked down on the ground angrily.
Rasengan gave her a confused look her way as they walked through the halls of the hospital. She noticed this and sighed again, "you know Rock Lee right?" He nodded, eyes still watching her. "Well, he made a promise to Chidori about becoming her boyfriend when she is of age to actually date but Chidori had gone missing for a year and a half, everyone thought she was dead and moved on with their lives..." she trailed off and only looked at the floor sadly.

Rasengan looked at her sorrowfully, " and Lee found himself a girlfriend." He gestured to TenTen by making imaginary buns.

Ki nodded. "Stupid, really. Its obvious that he cares deeply for our pup but he's with TenTen, who could be such a bitch-"

"Woah she's you teammate!" He gave her a small smile as if saying to take it easy but he could just see the pent up anger in her.

"I don't care if she is! I don't care about Lee either!" She growled lowly. "Chidori just got here and does not deserve her heart yo be broken because of some stupid ignorant boy!" She looked at Rasengan for a moment, seeing as he had also started to think. "She's your sister and basically mine as well, and I just hate how smug they are, even when facing Chidori's banged up form."

Rasengan only nodded, his hand going to her shoulder and pulling her close. He silently comforted her as they stood at the balcony, taking in the view of the village, or at least what was already repaired. "Chidori is a sweet, kindhearted girl and not to mention how strong she is... it would be obvious that she'll have admirers and its just impossible to avoid heartbreak, seeing as how inexperienced and forgiving she is... but I'm sure that there'll be one that'll make sure our pup will be happy."

"I'm sure there will be one." Ki sighed, she gave a small smile as she hugged him. "And I'm sure I found mine."

"How will we tell her?" Lee panicked as he and TenTen left the building, silently walking past Rasengan and Ki.

"Just tell her straight, how else?" TenTen said, not even looking at him. "Its not like I'll allow you to pretend that we're not in a relationship while you go hanging around her... I won't put up with any of her clingy attitude towards you." She looked at how Lee seemed to be thinking deeply. "She needs to know where her place is.... she's a sister to me... but she needs to know we're together..." she looked down for a moment. A sad expression in her face before looking ip at him. "Not unless you want to end things now..."

Rock Lee looked at how TenTen seemed to emotional yet they did nothing but visit Chidori and her family in the hospital.

He still liked Chidori but he had TenTen as a girlfriend. He had mixed feelings about finding out that Chidori was back. He had happy yet he wasnt. He was glad yet he wasnt as well. What was he suppose to do?

Kakashi's Little Wolf  [Kakashi's Daughter ]Where stories live. Discover now