Chapter Fifty-Two

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Elouise held her head high as the doors to her father's study were opened for her. She entered, praying her demeanor wouldn't falter. The doors closed behind her, and she took a deep breath as she walked up to the desk where her father sat, scribbling away on a piece of parchment.

Without looking at her, he dipped the tip of his quill into the ink well and began to write a new sentence. He said, "You have been made aware of our unexpected and unwanted guest."

Elouise should've known this pertained to Udolf. "Yes, Father."

"You met with him."

"Yes, Father." I am the one who invited him, after all. Though she decided against mentioning that detail.

"Was Sir Eldon with you?"

"No, Father."

Her father heaved a sigh and set his pen down. Finally, his cold gaze met hers.

"What is the point of him being your knight if he is not always by your side?" he sternly asked. "I do not want you alone with Lord Udolf."

Elouise shook her head. "I do not mean to belittle Eldon's duty, but he does not always need to be at my aide. I'm quite capable of protecting myself, especially from Lord Udolf."

Her father resumed writing. "Have you heard he's seeking a wife?"

"No. I do not waste my time listening to impractical gossip."

"I'd rather he did not find anyone. This world would do better without the expansion of his bloodline."

Elouise curled her lip. "Was there a true purpose to calling me here, Father? Other than to tell me who I am not allowed to speak to?"

"No, that was all. You may leave now."

Elouise sighed and turned away.

Then he spoke up again. "But do promise me you will not be alone with him again. A respectable princess should not be alone with a man of his... character."

She slowly faced him, squinting. "Are you afraid he's going to attempt to seduce me?" She even giggled, for the mere idea was quite ridiculous.

Her father, of course, did not find the humor in this. He glowered up at her. "Do not jest about that."

"Father, you cannot be serious."

"Promise me, Elouise."

Elouise nodded, though she knew she wouldn't oblige. Udolf could be useful to her. Despite his stubbornness, she could eventually get her answers from him if they gained each other's trust.

Her father visibly relaxed and smiled at her. "Thank you. I will see you tonight, then."

Elouise left without another word. Halfway down the corridor, she found Eldon. He greeted her with a strange smile—as if he were hiding discomfort. She felt the exact same way and she said nothing as she beckoned him to follow, figuring they could both use a moment of peace together.

They reached her mother's study and slipped inside. That was when he broke his silence and asked her what they were doing. She silenced him by pushing him up against the wall and leaning up on her toes. Then she pressed her lips against his. He immediately reciprocated, grabbing her face, and titling his head, and melting away her worries with his tender touch.

She briefly pulled away after a moment, catching her breath.

"I adore you," she whispered. He responded by leaning in and kissing the tip of her nose, making her grin. She then took a step back and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the seating area in the right-corner of the room.

A Savior's Worth (Book #3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt