Chapter Fifty-One

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Elouise dipped the tip of her quill into the inkwell and rapidly tapped her foot.

Where to begin?

After Henry mentioned Luna earlier, Elouise decided now would be the time to get into contact with Udolf. However, she did not think it would be wise to mention why she wanted him to come see her. No, any discussions about dragons needed to wait until they were in front of each other.

There was also the case of Godwin, though. Thanks to Haven, Elouise knew Udolf was involved with him. However, she wondered if Udolf knew about the... abilities Godwin possessed. Although, truthfully, she would not be astonished if those abilities were precisely the reason Udolf chose to work with him.

"Simply invite him to come here," she told herself. "If, if he rejects, write him again until he accepts." She nearly shuddered to think what would occur if she managed to irritate Udolf enough with so many letters.

Despite their previous encounters, Elouise reminded herself to remain cautious about him. He was still a cruel soul who mistreated his servants and put those who were given death sentences on display. Then he was also involved with Inferum cantivat over some hope that they would assist him in return. With what, though? She could not truly comprehend.

Elouise supposed Eldon's suspicion toward Udolf could be justified. No amount of charm and dragon rescues would erase the evil Udolf had done—or would possibly do.

Even so, she wanted to believe he had genuine goodness in that heart of his.

Elouise took a deep breath and began writing:

Lord Udolf,

If you could visit at your earliest convenience, that would be much appreciated. There is much I believe we must discuss—

She puckered her lips as she considered how to end. She needed something that would truly convince him. Then she sighed when she hastily scribbled the first thing that came to mind: However, I would simply like your company at this moment.

Well, it was easier to lie when it was written.

She signed and blew on the words. Then she folded the parchment once the ink dried. She sealed the letter and exited her bedchamber.

Out in the corridor, she spotted Eldon walking toward her. Because of the guards and servants bustling about (and blatantly staring at them), he bowed to her. When he stood upright, he handed the rapier sword to her.

"He said you could have it," Eldon started, "but I told him I woulda gave it to you anyway." Elouise smirked and took the sword from him.

"Where is he now?" She glanced around the hallway, almost expecting to see Ashton in the shadows.

"I dunno. He said he was gonna explore 'round and see what's changed. I spent an hour talkin' to him earlier before I left to meet up with you, Ivy, and Henry. We were askin' each other different questions, but it just ended with him talkin' 'bout his sisters for most of that time."

"That is lovely." Elouise checked around again, ensuring no one had their eyes on them anymore. She then waved the letter in front of Eldon. "Here is an invitation for Udolf."

Of course, he frowned. "Great. I can't wait."

They began to walk together.

"I do not necessarily want to see him either, Eldon. Creating a friendship with him could benefit us, though."

"I guess. I just don't like the way he looks at you."

Elouise giggled. "What do you mean?" He barely raised his right shoulder, and she smiled wider. "Why, are you jealous, Sir Eldon?"

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