Chapter Forty-Five

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On their trek back to Ilsen, Eldon suggested they get their things together and start heading back. Elouise asked him if he truly wanted to leave already.

No, he didn't. There were about a million other things he would rather do than return to the castle and face whatever wrath King Philip surely had for them. They couldn't avoid it forever, though. Even so, Elouise asked if they could at least stay for one more day. He couldn't say no.

When they reached the village, Eldon was startled by Ashton's voice. He'd almost forgotten that a ghost—sorry, angel—was following them.

"This is Ilsen now?" Ashton asked, wandering up ahead of them.

Eldon's pulse quickened as he quickly considered something. "Wait," he hissed, hurrying to catch up. Ashton turned to him. "Don't ya think this ain't a good idea?"

Ashton tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"People are gonna see you and ask who you are."

"You have nothing to worry about. I can control who can and cannot see me." He gestured to Elouise. "I hid from Her Highness when she first approached."

"Yes, and I must thank you for that fright," she replied, smirking.

"So, what 'bout Henry?" Eldon wondered aloud, glancing back and forth between them. "Are we tellin' him 'bout this?"

Elouise's smile faltered, along with her gaze. Ashton also appeared unsure. And Eldon huffed.

"Ellie, we can't keep this from him," he argued. "That ain't fair. He already feels left out."

"No, what truly is not fair is that you got him involved in this in the first place," Ashton said; a statement Eldon assumed was supposed to sound scolding. But Ashton's tone was too soft.

"Why do ya say that"—Eldon stopped, noticing Davidson coming toward them from their right.

Davidson flashed them a funny smile. "Where'd you head off to together?"

"Oh! Good morning, sir," Elouise kindly greeted. He chuckled.

"Mornin', sweetheart."

"I was havin' trouble sleepin' and went out for a walk," Eldon informed. "El—uh—Madeleine saw me and joined me."

Elouise nodded and grinned. Eldon then noticed the empty spot beside them and started scanning the area. He couldn't spot Ashton anywhere.

"It looks real pretty out there durin' the early hours," Davidson mentioned.

"Oh, it certainly does!" Elouise responded.

"Mhm." Davidson then waved his hand in front of Eldon. Eldon blinked hard, facing him again. "You a'right there, son?"


"Good. Then you wouldn't mind steppin' aside and talkin' to yer old man 'bout somethin', would ya?"

Eldon looked at Elouise.

The corners of her lips rose faintly as she said, "Yes, you should. I will go see if Leanne is awake."

Eldon nodded and watched her walk off. At least she didn't seem fazed by Ashton's sudden disappearance.

Davidson stood fully in front of Eldon and sighed. "So, what's really goin' on?"

Eldon raised his eyebrows, at a loss for what to say. He wasn't sure what Davidson meant.

Thankfully, he didn't take long to explain. "I mean what're you really doin' here with the princess?"

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