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Alijah's POV

"So what do you think of this outfit?" I asked Shay showing her a outfit from Cardi B's Fashion Nova line.

"Girl that is some shit that my grandma would wear." Shay said. "It is ugly."

I started laughing a bit. "I honestly don't know what the fuck Cardi was thinking when she launched this line." I said still scrolling down her line.

"Chyy I don't know either."

"Oulee this is cute." I showed her a black lace up catsuit.

"Oh that is cute. You gone get it?"

"Duhh bitch."

"Well get me one too so we can shit on these bitches together."

"And is."


It was going on 7 o'clock in the evening and we were currently sitting on Shay's front porch enjoying the summer breeze.

See shay stayed on the other side of projects where everybody and their broke ass perverted ass uncles hang around at.

"Oulee Shay that's the nigga I met at that little party I went to last weekend whose name I never got."

See I couldn't tell Shay that I was with Blue. I just didn't have the heart to do so. Especially with what he did to me a little over a month and half ago.

"Oh he is fine." She commented. "But speaking of this party....Whose party was it? And who the hell did you go with? Cause I damn sho didn't get a invite." She trailed on.

"See about that." I started to lie before dude walked up to the porch. Saved by the mystery dude.

"So we meet again Miss lady." He spoke talking to me.

"I suppose we do." I said with a smile taking a sip of my water. I was thirsty but not for that water if you know what I mean.

"So wassup with you?" He asked.

"I don't know. Hell I don't even know your name to be honest with you."

"Zy'Aire but you can call me Zee."

"Well Zy'Aire I'm Alijah and this is my best friend Shay."

"Wassup." He spoke in her direction. She just nodded and looked at me with an approving smile before getting up going into the house.

"So wassup with you?" He asked me.

"Nothing much." I said trying to keep it simple.

He started chuckling. "I hear ya."

"Mmhmm. So wassup with you?" I asked trynna play it cool. Ya know.

"Nothing just got done hooping."

"Oh so you ball?"

"I do a little sum sum. Ya feel me." He said smiling showing off his diamond encrusted slugs. "But I didn't come over here to talk about that."

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"To talk about me and you."

See that right there threw me for a loop. Threw my whole mind into a jigsaw puzzle. Like he do know that I'm with one of his boys right? I am right aren't I?

"Ahh why that look?" He asked me.

"What look?"

"The puzzled look."

"It's just that I'm with somebody already."

"Oh you talking about Blue right?"

"Yeap." I said.

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