Chapter 8: The Duel

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We all ran towards the King and he ran towards us. Buddy stayed back clearly loving the heat of this fight. With the speed faster than his guards, the King lunged at us. As Creeps' blade was about to hit the king's sword, the King stuck out his arm. Creeps' body went flying and it hit the wall. His body slumped down but he was still breathing shallowly. I charged him but he pushed me back a little and sent Sarah flying. Like Creeps, her body hit the wall and sunk down onto the floor.

"Noo!" I yelled now the rage consuming me.

"This is how I like it. Gentleman v.s. Gentleman." The King said running at me.

The battle was really heated. I turned around for a second and saw Buddy standing over Creeps making sure that he was okay. I turned back around the King and continued to fight. Our swords clashed and I pushed the King back through an opening in the wall. When I climbed through the hole, my eyes widened at the sight before me. I was on a little bridge with no railings and an immense lava pit below me. A wither skeleton stood mere meters away from the King and I. It started lumbering towards me.

"Stand down. I've got this." The King said motioning the wither skeleton to stand down.

The battle lasted a little while before the King finally overpowered me. His sword was pointed at me and I was on the ground with my weapon lying a few blocks behind me.

"Any last words?" The King said while grinning.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Oh Buddy!" I called out.

The little dragon flew out of the throne room and landed right next to me.

"Get him." I said pointing my hand at the King.

Buddy flew at the King and then, fired a mini fireball at him. This caught the King by surprise. The fireball collided with the King's chest sending him flying and hitting the wither skeleton off the side of the bridge. Then, Buddy head butted the King causing the King to double over in pain. All of a sudden, a random question formed in my head.

"How did Herobrine come back? I thought that I killed him. Also, who is this Alexia?" I asked the King.

"I'd rather die than tell you. Long live Herobrine!" The King said as he rolled over the side of the bridge plunging himself in the immense lava pit below.

Buddy and I walked into the throne room and were about to check on Sarah and Creeps when Buddy's wing accidentally pulled down a lever on the wall that I hadn't noticed before. The seat on the throne disappeared revealing a chest. I opened the chest carefully. Inside it was a gold sword, a dysfunctional map, two healing potions, three wither skeleton skulls, and four blocks of soul sand. I pulled them all out and then put them in my inventory. I ran over to Creeps and Sarah.

"Are you guys all right? Can you hear me?" I asked them trying to get them awake.

"Need to have potion." Creeps said.

I poured the bright red potion into his mouth. He jolted up.

"Do you have any water bottles?" Creeps asked.

"No, but why?" I asked in confusion.

"Because I have a brewing stand, nether wart, and you have that ghast tear so we could make a potion of regeneration." Creeps said.

"Well, if we ever get a water bottle, we can make it." I told him.

I walked over to Sarah, opened her mouth, and poured the last healing potion down her throat.

"What happened?" Sarah asked as she got up.

"You got knocked unconscious." I told her.

"Well we should keep going." She said.

Buddy came over and started flapping his wings to create a little fan.

"Thanks Buddy." Creeps said while wiping sweat off his forehead.

We decided to keep going. Because zombie pigmen are neutral mobs, we passed a hoard of them looking confused. But we couldn't get anywhere because there were too many of them. That's when Creeps made the biggest mistake of his life. He pushed one to the side. All of the pigmen turned to look at us.

"Creeps, now look what you have done." Sarah said.

The zombie pigmen started walking towards us, gold swords raised. All three of us dropped into a fighting stance and got back to back. The pigmen started closing in on us. I slashed at one pigman and stabbed another.

"Well look on the bright side. If we come out of this alive, we'll have a lot of gold." Creeps said obviously trying to make us stop being mad at him for pushing the pigman."Just be quiet and keep fighting." Sarah said with annoyance in her voice.

"Wait, I've got an idea. Creeps, do you have TNT and armor enchanted with the best blast protection?" I asked him while slicing a bunch of zombie pigmen.

"Yes, and yes." Creeps said while pulling each of the items out.

"First, we have to lead the pigmen to the lava sea." I said pointing at a vast expanse of lava.

We all ran towards the lava and stopped right at the edge.

"Quickly, everybody put on the armor that Creeps is giving you." I said as I fit myself into some really tight diamond boots.

I put on the rest of my armor and saw Sarah fit the last piece of her armor on her head.

"Creeps, place the TNT over the lava. But not only one block. Like a whole bunch of it." I told Creeps as the pigmen were about ten blocks away from us.

Creeps placed the TNT and the moment that the TNT touched the lava, it started flashing dangerously.

"Get down!" I yelled.

All of a sudden, it started blowing up. Pigmen were squealing in terror as explosions shook the netherrack under their feet. After that attack, there were few pigmen left. All we had to do was kill them. After we killed them all, we continued on our journey.

"How much longer until I can see grass?" Whined Sarah.

Creeps placed down a grass block and said. "There, grass. Now quit complaining."

A few seconds later, the grass erupted in flames. We walked on. Buddy flew when something amazing happened. His wings started growing longer. His stubby nails became full on claws. His body grew ten times bigger, his head grew. His snout grew longer and he started bellowing purple flames. He looked just like the Ender Dragon. He beat his wings and fired a fireball which clobbered a wither skeleton in the corner of a formation of netherrack.

"H-he turned into the Ender Dragon." Creeps said as his mouth hung open.

"I bet that anyone would pay a lot of gold nuggets to see a baby Ender Dragon turn into the real Ender Dragon." Sarah said thoughtfully.

"Then, we would really be rich." Creeps said.

"Well, now, we can ride him. It would make things a lot easier." Creeps said.

"Nobody should ride Buddy. He's a being just like us. Also, can we get a move on?" I asked impatiently.

We continued walking through the fiery realm of the Nether.

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