Chapter 7: The Nether

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Sarah jumped out of the way of the dragon as it rammed into the ground sending debris flying everywhere.

"Help!" Sarah screamed as she was hit by the blast of fire that had just shot out of the dragon's mouth.

"I got her! You fight the dragon." Creeps said while sprinting towards Sarah.

I ran at the dragon and then I looked at it and by its face I could tell that it was getting tired of these failed attacks. It was still bleeding from the sword and it was covered in purple. It was really steamed now. It's nostrils were flaring and its eyebrows were curved down towards its nose. It shot a mixture of fireballs and flame out of it's mouth. I barrel rolled out of the way of the fire and used my sword to try to block the fireball. The sword melted so I dropped the handle before it burned to crisps.

"Duck!" Creeps yelled as a fireball went my way.

At the last second, I pulled out something random from my inventory. It deflected the fireball back at a non suspecting enderman in the corner of the End. I looked at the item. It was a stick enchanted with blast protection and knockback. The enderman was still mad because of the fireball, so I threw the stick at him and he fell off the ledge. I ran over to the ledge. I looked down. He was about to teleport when he fell too far and died. I ran back to the dragon. He was at really low health. I pulled out an ender pearl from my inventory. I tried not to miss and when I teleported, I landed on the dragon's back. I then pulled out a piece of flint and steel, TNT and drank a potion of swiftness. I placed the TNT on the dragon's back, and set it alight. I jumped off of the dragon's back. The dragon looked at its back in alarm as it noticed the glowing block of TNT on it's back. It's eyes widened in alarm as the TNT grew brighter and brighter. The TNT blew up in a fiery explosion. A bright light shone through the dragon as little places in his body were opening and ripping apart. The dragon then disappeared in a bright white light. And then it was gone.

"Let's get to the Nether before I lose my mind." Sarah said looking for the secret entrance to my portal.

"Wait." Creeps said as he ran towards the center of the End.

Sarah and I ran after him. In the center on a structure, stood a black egg with purple flecks.

"The Ender Dragon egg." Creeps said beaming

I pulled out a piston and a lever and placed them down near the egg. I pulled the lever and the egg started cracking. A little dragon head poked out but it's eyes were closed.

"I want it to see me first so that I'm it's owner." Creeps said.

It's eyes slowly opened. It was about to see Creeps when it's head turned and it looked at me.

"Come on!" Creeps yelled.

"I'll let you keep him but he'll want to be with me so hold him tight." I told Creeps.

"Thanks. I'll call him Buddy." Creeps said sincerely.

I gave Buddy to Creeps. Creeps let him fly and he just flew towards me.

"I guess I'll just walk next to you." Creeps said as he walked towards where I was.

"Follow me. I know where the portal is." Sarah said as she walked towards the portal back to the Overworld. She punched the portal with her fist. One part of the portal disappeared. Under that place was a hole that I remember digging up to make the portal.

"You broke the portal to the Overworld! Now we're stuck here!" Creeps said in exasperation.

"No I did not. You see that other part of the portal? We can use that." Sarah said right before she jumped into the hole.

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