Chapter 6 - The Coming Out

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So me and Niall decided to go to an "Anime Café", which is called Black Butler. It has the same energy as the letter "N" on his door. Because I think anime is for aisans, but why would it be called black butler?? Theres no black people in asia, I don't understand!! I put on my casual outfit. I then go downstairs to the threshold (foyer) and I see Niall!! Hes so cute!!

 I then go downstairs to the threshold (foyer) and I see Niall!! Hes so cute!!

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(Kayetkinne's outfit !!!)

"Hewwo Kayetlinne-Chan!! Dwo ywou lwike my swhirt?" Niall says. I look at him, and he's wearing a shirt with a bunch of cartoon characters with big eyes, ripped jeans, and fishnet tights underneath and a BTS flannel with a Chinese name on the back and some numbers, the name is Junkoko. Also a choker with a heart on it, and hes holding a bag with more cartoon characters on it. I gasp, I have never seen someone so cultured in my life. I think I love Chinese culture.

 I think I love Chinese culture

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(That's Niall's outfit !!!!)

"It looks lovely on you, Niall!!" I reply

"Thwank ywou Kayetinne-Chan!! Arigato, sumimasen!!" Lwets gwet on the woad!!" Niall exclaims

We then walk outside, and the tour bus is right there!! We both walk in. its strange being there without the rest of the boys, Despite that, Niall still sits in his assigned seat. I join him, and sit in my seat too. I look over by him, and see his hands folded on the table. I reach over across the table, and put my hand on the table next to his, he moves back a little bit.

"Are ywou owkay? Do ywou nweed swomething? Lwike mizu?" Niall asks me

"N-no I just... Never mind." I put my hand next to my side, and we sit in silence for the rest of the bus ride.


After about 30 minutes of silence, we finally arrived. We get off the red double decker tour bus, and walked into the Black Butler. To my surprise, there was one black person in the whole restaurant, and none of the workers were white! They were Chinese or maybe Asian. I look around, and see all the cartoon characters on the walls.

"Lwets gwo swit dwown." Niall uwus

We go to a metal table that's placed in the middle. We sit down, and I pick up a menu to see what I should get. There's only Chinese snacks, but I don't want to be a culture appropriator, so I ask Niall what I should get.

"Ywou shwould gwet pwocky!!" Niall tells me

Then, a waiter comes up to us:

"Hello. Welcome to the Black Butler. What do you want to eat?" he says. I'm so confused, why isn't he speaking Chinese like Niall? More importantly, why is he wearing a maid outfit? Is he a girl? Is he transgender?

"I would wove swome pwocky!! Strawbwerry pwease!! Awnd a bwox of strawberry mwilk!!" Niall tells the waiter.

"I'll have the same as him." I tell the waiter too. He nods his hed and walks away, tending to our order.

"So Niall... You look so attractive right now, what your is skin care routine??" I say, trying not to give awayt that I have a huge crush on him

"I uwse mwy fwace mwask frwom Kworea!" Niall owo's

"Aww, that sounds so nice!!" I tell him

Suddenly our waiter, or butler, or maid comes back over to the table with our order. Ze places them on the table, right in the middle of me and him.

"Kayetlinne-Chan, we shwould pway the pwocky gwame!!" Niall sings uwuingly

I blush. I know what that is. I'm gonna play the pocky game with Niall, I cant believe it. I thought Zayn was gonna be my first kiss, but I guess itlll be Niall! The love of my life, my Niall! We start, with him biting one end of the pocky and me biting the other, I cant breathe. I feel his face and mine inch closer to one another, I feel myself start quaking in my boots (im not actually wearing boots). Then...

He breaks off the pocky, millimeters from my face. My heart breaks... is he playing hard to get...?

"Thwat was fwun!! Thwank ywou Kayetlinne-Chan, I'wve nwever dwone thwat befwore!" Niall says, uwingly

"Haha, yeah it was!!" I tell him. We then finish our snacks and our milk. Niall gets up, getting ready to leave. This is the perfect time to tell him, I cant pass this opportunity! I think to myself.

"Wait Niall, there is something I have to tell you before we leave!" I exclaim to him

"What is iwt Kayetlinne-Chan?" Niall responds

"I-I... I love you, Niall. Ever since I meant you in the threshold of my old house, and we made eye contact for a brief second, I knew you were the one for me, with your blonde hair and your blue eyes, you make me do this. Your eyes remind of the Microsoft icon, I could stare at them forever. I love you Niall, I think you love me too, and I think we should be together." I confessed and pour my heart out

"Kayetlinne... I-I'm asexual..." Niall comes out.

"W-what's that...?" I interrogate

"It means I don't experience sexual attraction. Ever. I'm so sorry Kayetlinne. I just don't feel the same way, and I never will. Don't blame me." Niall tells me

"B-but what about the date we're on?! What about all those times we flirted?!" I beg

"I thought we were just hanging out! I would've never imagined you loving me, because I'm incambile of reciprocating your feelings!" Niall yells

"Oh my god..." I feel myself go tense. The whole restaurant is lookibg at us, even the trans maid. I start to cry. Niall pats my back, and he walks out of the resturatnt, towards the bus.

I follow in tone. We hop on the bus, and sit down in our assigned sets. I cant even look at him.

"Kayetlinne-Chan awre ywou owkay?" Niall asks concerned

I don't even move. I stay silent, not looking at him but I slighty nod my head. It's silent, expect for all the bad jokes Niall keeps saying on the way home. I don't respond to any of them. I'm too heartbroken to talk to him. The bus then stops, and I rush to get off of it and into the Minecraft mansion.

~* end of chapter 6 *~

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