Chapter 4 - The Basement

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~~~*warning !! This chapter contains smut !!! You have been warned !!!*~~~

I wig tf out. Because it was the second day of being in the house. This wasn't a dream, I was still here. My suitcase, still missing. I got up, and thought to myself

"I want to go to the games room"

I walked downstairs, past the foyer (threshold) and walk towards my left, and head down to the stairs of the basement. I got down to the bottom of the stairs and entered into the long basement hallway. I keeps walking until I look to my left and visibly see a sign that reads 'Game Room' . I walks in. I hear a famalir voice.

"Welcome to FlavorTown." Guy Fieri say in a husky voaice

I looked over and saw Guy Fieri, standing behind the bar of the game room, shaking a drink.

"Oh hey its Guy Fieri." I say out Loud, underwhelming ly

He bows his head and signs in defeat, as he continues shaking the drink. I make my way to the back of the room, where there's a prize counter.

"Hi folks, its Bri, welcome to my prize counter" – Bri

"Who is this old man?" I question

"Its Brian May. I play the guitar from Queen" – Bri

"Oh. Do u mean the band with the bicon Freddy Mercury" I says. "I love the bi resprestation in that band so mucn!!"

I look at him and he turns away, while nodding slightly, tending to his prizes. I walking away, towards the games, and more importantly the giant claw machine with the giant spikey balls. I get up to it, and I pull a quarter out of my pocket and insert it into the machine. The game starts up, and as I begin to look over into the machine and I couldn't believe my eyes. Harry Styles and Louis were inside the claw machine, and they were banging! And Harry was eating Louie's ass. I anted to look away but I couldn't. I would never waste money, so I decided to move the claw towards Harry's leg, and I drop it right there. The machine grabs his leg and then dispointingly lets go of it. Harry notices, and he looks up to me, as I'm waving at him. He winks, and goes back to what he was doing before. I look to Louie, and he's giving me a 'fuc you doing' kind of look. I stop looking at them, and begin walking away, out of the games room and towards upstairs. As I get to the upstairs, I spot Zayn!

"What the hell were you doing in the basement?" Zayn growls

"I wanted to play in the arcade room, but Louie and Harry were having s*x in the claw machine!!" I exclaimed

"Of course they were. Dumb Bitch" Zayn scoffed, and sighed as he walked away from me. I feel myself heat up at his new name for me. Dumb Bitch. I say it again in my mind, it sojnds sooo much better when its coming out of his mouth. As he walks away, I stare at his Cute Ass, and blush more.

~*end of chapter 4*~

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