Stressed Cuddles [Aizawa x Reader]

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First one here, first one who stole my heart ♥️. The reader here is Quirkless sadly, but is one of the teachers at UA. Here in the story the reader is stressed, so good ol Aizawa helps her to relax.
[Y/N]'s P.O.V :
It was late. Around 11:30 pm or so. I continued finishing the essays my students had given me. I often dream of what would happen if I had a quirk. Would I have met the love of life? As I dreamt off for all the possibilities, I didn't hear my office door open. I look up to see the man himself, Aizawa Shota.

"[Y/N]? What are you doing here so late? Everyone's left by now." He stepped closer to me, lightly grabbing my shoulder and shaking me awake. I look over him with a smile and set down my pen, "Shota. I'm simply finishing my work. Nothing too concerning." He shook his head with a frown.

"[Y/N], we've discussed this before. You need to stay awake and have a good sleep. You work at UA, you'll burn yourself out" He replaces his hand with his chin and nuzzled into my neck. I giggled as the stubble tickled my neck and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "I'm not the only one who needs rest, you sleep in all your classes, No?"

"Don't shift the blame on me hun, we should go home. I wanna help you relax~" He chuckled as my face went red. I slowly got up as he slip his chin off my shoulder, "Well then! I guess we s-should head home!" I put on my coat and grab my bag as he gently set my pen in my holder.

I walk to the door and set off the light, Shota following from behind me. I locked the door and head down the hall. I then felt his hand wrap around mine, responding with a smile his way. We left the school grounds and went on our way.

We made sure to pet any stray cat on out way home, de-stressing me and keeping my love happy 🖤.

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