I heard the three whispering when we got to the middle, and as I turned around, I grabbed Iran's wrist. He went to hit me, but failed.

"..This isn't nice.." I said, in an almost puppy-like tone.

"..I.. Uh.." Iran stuttered, and Iraq looked terrified that I could react so quickly.

Serbia just stared.

"..You shouldn't hurt me like that.." Before anyone could so anything, I punched Iran back and pulled out my blade, stabbing him in the stomach, and ripped the blade up to his chest. He fell cold.

Serbia went pale, and Iraq turned around and began running.

I tossed up the blade and threw it.

Head shot.

Iraq fell with quite a loud thud. Poor guy.

"You don't seem to understand why I'm doing this. Hm?" I walked up to Serbia, and he looked like he was going to faint.

"..W-why though man?! Y.. YOU'RE INSANE—" Serbia yelled, and I cut him off by kicking him back.

He quickly jumped up, obviously shaken half to death.

I lightly chuckled to myself, "You shouldn't hurt someone who's done nothing to you. It wasn't nice telling dear old Meri to kill himself. You've made him really hurt." I grabbed Serbia by the collar of his shirt.

Serbia was sweating, and had tears rolling down his cheeks. This was entertainment. "P-Please.. I won't tell a-anyone if you just l-let m-me go.." Serbia pleaded.

"But you will tell." I looked down and smiled. There was a log right beside us. How coincidental!

I bent down and picked up the log, but as I did I got pushed back by Serbia.

He started running, but poor him. He was unfit, I could tell.. He was slow.

I eventually caught up to him by running, and I tackled him into the floor.

I sat up on his stomach, and rose up the log. "Wanna say some sweet, final words?" I grinned.

"..Let me go.."


I stood up, and dropped the log. My heart was pounding, and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

I grabbed all three bodies and piled them up. Such a shame they had to go out like that.. Maybe if they left the sweet innocent boy alone, they wouldn't have gone out like that..

I put the log and the blade into the pile as well. I had to burn it all..

I looked around and found a stone and a piece of wood.

I sat for a few minutes sharpening the stone, before eventually lighting the piece of wood on fire, and the boys where gone, in a blink of an eye.

I looked down and my hands and jacket where covered in blood.. So before the fire went out, I quickly took my jacket off and had it burnt. For my hands? Well, since I knew my way to the river pretty easily, I just washed my hands in the river.

And as for the fire? It went out in its own time.

Now, off to America's I go.

•No Ones POV.

Russia walked, for what seemed like an hour to get to America's. He was excited to see him, and his heart continued pounding.

Russia had such an urge to one day tie America up and do whatever he wanted to him.. But he wouldn't hurt the poor boy like that. Yes, he admitted he loved him.. He was obsessed with him, but he'd only tie him up when he really needed to.. More like, when he wants him too badly..

America looked out the front window and saw Russia about to knock on the front door, so before Russia could knock, America opened up the door.

Russia looked shocked for a minute, "You answered quickly, hah." He said.

"Yeah, it's because I saw you coming. Well, might as well come in so I can explain.." America said, moving out of the way so Russia could walk in.

Once Russia walked in, America shut the front door, and he began walking to his room. Russia got quite a nice sight.

As they entered America's room, they both sat on America's bed.

"So.. How was the dream? Was it.. Weird?" Russia asked, laying back on America's bed.

America turned to Russia. "Well.. I was raped in it and it wasn't.. Pretty.. Someone got killed and it was all.. Chaotic."

Russia shot straight up. "Oh my.. Care to explain?"

"Sure, sure," America inhaled, then exhaled, "So, it was a Monday and I had come into school. First day after.. a few months, and people where staring. I accepted that because yeah, nobodies seen me in a long time. However, you gave me a lot of stared and attention.. So did Philippines. It was weird.. Really weird, and I need to talk to you about her in a minute.. But, anyway, we got into the middle of the day, at lunch and she sort of.. Raped me? It's hard to say that is was rape because it was mostly touches and things in the girls bathroom.. You found out, and just had a go at her. And I found out she got murdered the next day.. I knew it couldn't have been you because you where with me all day. Messaging me and constantly coming round."

Russia didn't say anything before he sighed. "That's pretty fucked if I'm honest.. Plus, Phil wouldn't do anything like that. I'm sure she wouldn't."

"..Talking about Phil.." America grabbed his phone and went to his and her dms. He pulled up one message and showed it to Russia.

'..I think I like you..'

Russia felt annoyed and also in pain.. How many people are going to try taking America away from him?!

"..Do you like her back?" Russia looked up and looked at America.

"The fuck? No. One, Spain has his eye on her, since he's told me in dms that he likes her, and two, I'm Asexual. I'm not really interested anymore." America chuckled.

Russia felt disbelief wave over him, as he handed America back his phone. "Oh. It's hard to win you over, huh?"

America looked confused. "..What?"

"Y'know. She loves you and you say 'Nah, I'm A'." Russia laughed, and rubbed his shoulder.

"I guess that's pretty funny and reasonable to what you said." America also laughed, and god did it make Russia flip inside.

"On the topic of love and stuff, are you interested in anyone? I've heard a lot that you don't like anyone. Or are even interested in relationships." America said, switching his phone off.

"Well, I'm thinking about it, and honestly I'm confused in love." Russia knew that was a lie. He didn't want to plain out tell him 'Yeah, it's you, and I've killed four people just to get your love'.

"Thinking about it?" America asked.

"I'm thinking about.. If love even matters." Russia sighed. He knew it mattered. America mattered.

•Author's POV.

It was the same as Saturday. America and Russia talked about love.. Their family, past and future. It was a nice Sunday.

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