I coo, nodding before congratulating them over their next child. I'm also honored to find that I'm the first to find out about this news, besides any of our friends. We talk almost about everything, reminiscing all the memories that we used to work together at the S.H.I.E.L.D.S., before Wanda and I decided to quit our jobs, for the sake of our kids. Vision and Steve are still working with the S.H.I.E.L.D.S., which is why they're so understanding over my situation too. 

"Actually, Tony. We wanted to ask for your help in looking for a house. We're planning to move out from this condominium before the little ones arrive. Sure, we love this house but I just don't like how it's in the centre of the city. I wanted to be away from the hustle-and-bustle life of city. I want to live some place peaceful and relaxing, in a lovely neighborhood.", tells Wanda. 

I look at her, even more surprised but completely understand her point. Living in the city could be really stressful, especially the traffics around it. Humming a little, I try to think about the neighborhood that Steve and I used to visit, before we bought our first family house together. That was back when I was pregnant with Natasha and Steve never knew about it 'til he had the early morning symptoms besides me. That was awhile ago, and now we've moved to a bigger house, more like an estate house that I own for awhile. 

"Well, you could take our first house that Steve and I bought while I was having Natasha in my belly. We were planning to sell the house, but haven't did it so. You're welcome to come for a visit at the house.", I tell. 

They looks at me, even more surprised but from Wanda's shining eyes, I can tell that she's excited for that. Exchanging looks with each other, they look back at me before grinning widely, nodding to me. 

"That'd be great, Tony. Thank you! That really save us more time than needing to go through the agents.", groans Vision, at the end. 

I completely understand that feeling, before assuring them it's fine. While we're chatting a bit more, Zayn suddenly crawls his way to me before climbing onto my laps, curling into a small ball there. I get surprised by his action, but quickly calm down before brushing my hand gently over his slightly long, messy raven hair. He groans a little, but enjoys it before I watch him slowly falling to sleep. 

"Aww, he's so adorable.", awes Wanda. 

I chuckle, nodding to her while playing with Zayn's hair 'til I'm sure enough that he's deep in his sleep. Zayn never even cares wherever we are and whenever it is, if he wants to sleep, then he'll do it. He's the king of sleep, after all. 

"He just loves his sleep, more than anything.", I tell. 

Wanda and Vision quickly chuckles at me, but still adoring at the sleeping baby on my laps. Liam is still playing with his blocks on the floor, not even noticing Zayn's disappearance while Niall is already fast asleep too, on the couch and all wrap up in a blanket being left there. I guess they're just tired, after staying up a little longer last night to watch movie at the theater room. We continue to pick up our chats that we stopped earlier, due to Zayn wanting to sleep on laps before we get interrupted by chorus of "I'm hungry" coming from the older kids. 

"Mum, we're hungry"

"Dad, can we get something to eat? We're starving!"

Chuckling at them, we nod and I guess that it's time for us to get going, but Wanda quickly shakes her head, assuring us to stay bit longer. 

"I'll call some Chinese for take-outs. You should stay, a little longer.", tells Wanda. 

I really don't want to burden them, but the kids seems to be happy to have their lunches together here. I guess it wouldn't kill me, if we stay a little longer. I nod, giving in to her which makes the older kids to cheers but I quickly hush them, as Zayn begins to whine at the sudden noise. 

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