Chapter 19

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The next morning, Jessica got up, determined to set things straight with Damien. But when she called the office at the oil fields, she was told that he had left town for a few days to start some foreign business, then she was told how much she was missed, and that the workers missed her father. Jessica thanked the secretary and hung up, tears in her eyes. At least they hadn't forgotten about her. But why would Damien leave? She supposed he had the right to do so. After all, it was his business. She sat at her father's desk, wondering what she was going to do with all of his things when she kicked the bottom drawer, and it popped open. She sighed and bent down to close it, but a paper caught her eye. She pulled it out and frowned. It was her father's will. She began to read it. He had left everything to her, including the house, and the yacht. Would it hold up in court? If it did, then she could claim half of the oil as legally hers. She sighed and put the paper on the desk. What did it matter anyway? She didn't want it. Perhaps if the house was legally hers she would sell it, and rent an apartment somewhere, out of the city. She would start over and put her college degree to use. Yes, that is what she would do. She would ask Grant to help her out. He would represent her, she was sure of it.

Feeling a little better, she got up and headed outside. She needed some fresh air. She hadn't been outside in days.

As she headed outside, she saw a car pull up to the gate, and then the gates opened. She watched as Grant pulled up to the circular drive, and then he got out.

He smiled when he saw Jessica. "Hey Jessica, just the girl I wanted to see."

"I am so glad Grant," she said, smiling at him. "I wanted to see you too. I have something I need your help with."

"Of course," he said.

"And what is it you wanted to see me about?" she asked him.

"Well, Damien called me this morning to tell me he would be out of town for a few days and told me to come over and try and talk you out of just giving him the whole business. Why would you do that? You know that you would be left penniless."

"I want to talk to you about that," Jessica said and led him inside to the study. She had him sit in a chair in front of the desk after she had taken a seat, and then she showed him the will.

"It looks legitimate. I will have it checked out. If it is, then he can't take the whole business. Half will rightfully be yours."

"But I don't want it. All I want is the house and the boat."

"Only those two? What will you do for money?"

"I have money in savings. My father made sure that I had money in case something happened. I have money that I can start over again. I want to sell the house also and then I will use that money to buy me a small home, somewhere far away."

"But what about Damien?"

"What about him? He proved to me that he cares nothing about me. All he cares about is getting his hands on the oil. Let him have it, I don't care anymore."

"You seriously would give up almost a quarter of a billion dollars."

"Yes. I don't want it, Grant. I want to wash my hands of the whole thing. I am so sick of this. Just let me be. That is all I want."

"So, you are willing to sign it all over but the house and boat."


"I don't think that is wise."

"I seriously don't care. So I am going to move on, and forget about my old life."

"Is there any way that I can talk you out of this?"

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