Chapter 8

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Two days later, Jessica still lay in the bed, still tied down. She had only been untied to use the restroom, under strict guard. Doc had brought her food and water. She hadn't seen Damien. He was purposely ignoring her, which was okay she supposed. Otherwise, she would have just yelled at him, or wanted him to kiss her. She wasn't sure which she wanted. She had given up on struggling against her bonds, they were raw enough already, and the doc wasn't allowed to untie her to bandage her, so her wrists stayed raw. Not that she cared. It matched the pain in her heart. She figured she would never go home again, but did she really care? She wasn't sure she did. Because one thing for sure, she didn't want to face Jonathan.

It was later that morning that Damien walked into the bedroom.

She was awake and watched him as he walked in. He walked over to her and leaning over her untied her, frowning at how raw her wrists were.

"You are free to go."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that."

"Why? Did my father finally pay you?"

"Yes. My ship will take you to the Cayman Islands where your yacht will be waiting for you. They will take you back to Texas."

"Did my father pay you all he owes you?"

"No. What he owes me is worth much more."

"Then why are you letting me go?"

"Enough questions Miss Preston. Your clothes are in the front room, and you are free to use my shower. The ship is ready to leave whenever you are. But have the doc bandage your wrists before you go." He left the room then, not looking back.

Jessica was in shock. Just like that, it was all over. After a whole month, she could finally go home. She almost wanted to stay. She was beginning to really like Damien and the doc. She wiped angrily at her tears. She shouldn't care that she was being set free, she should be happy, but all she wanted to do was to cry. Oh well, off to her awful life she would go. At least she still had Susan. She was the only bright spot in her life.

She sat up and rubbed her arms and legs, trying to get the circulation going again. Laying in bed that long had made her lose feeling in her hands and feet. She stood carefully and walked out to the front room. She was weak, but she was determined to clean herself up. When was the last time she had had a shower? She probably stunk to high heaven. She couldn't even remember the last time she bathed. One of her suitcases sat by the couch. How had they gotten hold of her luggage? She had thought she was the only item brought on board the pirate ship. But she shouldn't be surprised. These men had a lot up their sleeves. She sighed and picked up her suitcase then headed into the bathroom. Luckily this suitcase had all of her toiletries in it so she wouldn't have to borrow Mr. Black's. She didn't really want to smell like a man.
She stood in the shower for several minutes, letting the warm water wash over her sore body. The water stung her rope burns, but it almost felt good. After she was finally finished she got out and borrowed Damien's towel so she could dry off. She took her time getting ready, primping herself with makeup and curling her hair. She had to look good when she got back to her ship. She did not want anyone to know she had been mistreated. She then chose a long blue dress that was form fitting, with a sweetheart neck and long sleeves to hide the rope burns on her wrists.
She smiled at her reflection. She almost felt normal again.

Finally, she stepped out of the bathroom, slipped on her shoes, then smiled. Breakfast sat on the table for her. She sat down to eat, not remembering the last time she had eaten a good meal. She had been fed only light fare like soup and oatmeal. She knew she couldn't eat much or it would hurt her stomach.

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