"Coming!" I yell

I go running down the stairs as I see the TV on and everybody is talking about the Kerberos mission. I look around the kitchen and see my brother as he is sitting at the kitchen table.

"You ready for this new adventure?" I ask, looking at Shiro as I sit across from him

"I sure am. Don't know if I'm ready to leave you home alone." He laughs

"I got Keith, I'll be fine," I say with a smile

"You two better watch out for each other." He says "If you need anything don't be afraid to reach out to Adam."

"You better return to us safely." I say "Besides, I'm not ready to deal with him yet."

"Then if you need something go to Collen and Katie." He says

"I have their contact ready to go just in case," I say with a smile

He smiles as we stand up to walk to the door. I stop at the door and look outside as I look over our neighborhood.

"Nat, you better stay in school." He says "I won't be here to make sure you are getting there every day."

"I have a reason to be there. I need to beat this Lance kid. He's trying to take my spot as the next fighter pilot in training." I say "And he's just somebody I can't stand."

Shiro laughs as he shakes his head.

"The things he doesn't know." He says

I look at him then at the ground.

"What am I supposed to do without you here though? You have always been there..." I start to ramble "Well besides your other missions. But what if I need to talk to my big brother? What if something happens to you and I can't be there to help? What about your arm? I'm one of the only ones who know what to do when it gets bad."

"Hey, I'll be back before you know it." He says as he sets his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down

I look at him when I see the cars to bring him to his ship show up. I look at him one last time and hug him before he leaves. I look down at the bracelet like thing on his arm and sigh as I just hug him tighter.

"I love you, Nat. I'll see you soon." He says as he places a kiss to the top of my head before he lets go and walks away


I'm walking down the stairs and see the TV on from last night when I see Dr. Samuel Holt, Matt Holt, and Shiro's pictures on the TV. I hurry over to the remote and turn the volume up and set the remote down, immediately starting to play with my hair.

"Due to pilot error, the ship to Kerberos has crashed and the entire crew is presumed dead." The reporter says

I run to the door when I hear a knock on the door. I yank the door open, expecting a Garrison officer. Only to see Keith standing there, looking at me.

"He c-can't be gone," I whisper

Keith looks at me with sad eyes before he catches me as my knees go weak.

"They didn't even come to tell you before the news came on?" He asks

I shake my head as I can't form any words.

"We're going to have to talk to the Headmaster about this and see if he understands why," Keith says

"I'm going to have to move in with them now..." I say "Now that Shiro is no longer around... I have to live in the dorms."

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