Chapter 2

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Jessica headed to her room, and closed the door, but reopened it at a knock.

Susan walked in to help Jessica get ready for bed.

"So, what is going on?" she asked Jessica.

"It seems, but you didn't hear it from me," Susan nodded at that, "Father's ships are being hijacked. It seems that Pirate Black is on a rampage. He seems to have something against my Father. Anyway, he has had three ships hijacked in the last month."

"Oh dear. Has anyone been hurt?"

"No. But my father is losing a lot of money. That is why he is leaving. He wants to catch the pirate himself, I think."

"Are you going to try and stop him from going?"

"How? It is no use, Susan. All I can do is sit here and worry, and try to figure out some way to avoid Jonathan."

"I have an idea."


"Yes. Let's leave town. Let's go on a trip. When was the last time you did that?"

"Over a year ago."

"Exactly. We won't tell anyone that we are leaving, or where we are going."

"That is a great idea, Susan. When should we leave?"

"Tomorrow, after your father leaves."

"And where are we going?"

"How about the Cayman Islands? Your father has his yacht, and a captain, I will let him know tonight that you want to leave tomorrow."

"Thank you, Susan. I owe you one."

"No, you don't. I need this too."

The next morning when Jessica arose, she ate breakfast in her room, showered, and then packed her clothes, adding her new dress into the suitcase, why she didn't know, but if she went anywhere fancy, she would be prepared.
Susan came in to help her finish packing and soon the two were walking out the door with their luggage.

"Tell no one where we are," Susan warned the butler. "If Jonathan comes by, tell him we left for a few days."

The man nodded and shut the door behind the two women.

Hank was waiting for them with a huge grin on his face. "It's about time you're off to some exotic place, have fun, okay?"

Jessica nodded as she climbed into the car, Susan following, and two of her guards.

Susan turned to Jessica as Hank pulled out of the gates. "The ship is ready. I called the Captain last night. He was glad for an excuse to take the yacht out for a run. She has been docked for quite a while. So as soon as we get there they will be ready to leave."

"Good. The sooner I get away from Jonathan, the better."

Susan nodded her head in agreement but didn't say anything.

They soon arrived at the harbor and unloaded the luggage in front of the yacht named after Jessica.

The captain greeted the two women as some of his crew loaded their luggage on board.

"Good morning Miss Jessica, and Susan. Nice day to go sailing. Hope you enjoy this trip, I sure will."

Jessica nodded at the man. "I'm sure we will Patrick. Thank you for getting the ship ready so quickly. That was very nice of you."

"Any time Miss Jessica. Well, shall we board?" he asked the women.

They nodded and followed him on board.

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