Zoe: Is that second line in a different key?

Me: Yeah. Shifts to the minor key, flats

Z: k

Z: It looks like the timing shifts too, 3/4 becomes 4/4 then back to 3/4? Right?

Me: right. Chorus to bridge to chorus

How did this happen? In just a couple of days I've gone from non-existent to a texting buddy. Have I entered an alternate universe where Zoe can actually stand my existence?

Why the hell am I questioning this? It's exactly what I've been waiting for.

Two hours we've been messaging back and forth. Two hours of questions about music and notes and beats. The best fucking two hours of my life.

Zoe: Tell the truth. Did you write that song???

That last one though, not as easy to answer. I want to, so dang bad. I want to trust her, to let her in. But I've never talked about this with anyone. Zoe hasn't wanted to talk to me about a damn thing, not even the weather. So it's taking more trust then I realized it would to let down my walls and talk about this with her.

I leave her on read for a beat too long.

Z: fine. Be like that, lol

Texts are impossible to read for emotion. Is she letting me off the hook or is she pissed that I haven't answered her. Shit. Not how I want to end what has been the perfect day.

Me: Yeah I did

I know she sees the three dots, indicating that I'm typing my reply. I know she's expecting me to say something. My finger hovers over the send box as my heart races. I take a deep breath and tell her the truth.


Seconds later, she replies.

Z: figured

Again, can't read the emotion in this response. Is she disappointed or...? I can't tell.

Z: Gotta go. TTYL

Despite my confusion about Zoe's earlier response, four letters just made me the happiest guy ever. She's planning to talk to me later, hell yeah. I reply the same along with a good bye then head to the kitchen for a snack. Dinner won't be for a few hours but all of this excitement has me starving. PB and J it is. At least Helga got some normal PB and J for me. She stashed it in the back shelf so only I know where it is. Perks of being kind I guess.

I'm just taking my first bite when my mom walks into the kitchen.

"Hungry?" she asks with a little wink.

I give her a peanut butter smile.

"Someone's in a good mood," she comments. "Must be that beautiful girl you're dating."

I shrug. It certainly is about a beautiful girl. And I wish I was dating her. Maybe someday.

"When are you bringing her by again?" Mom drops the question casually, as if it doesn't drag me out of my happy alternate universe back into this dilemma I've dug myself into.

Now I'm actually regretting the entre charade. I don't want to bring Chelsea by or try to figure out how to keep fooling my parents. It was fine to get out of that orchestra thing but now...

I may have made things worse by pretending. And I still haven't told Zoe about this. I want to tell her less than I want to stop the charade. What does that make me?

A fucking coward.

I finish chewing and answer. "Yeah, soon I guess."

As I continue to chomp on my sandwich, after my mom pinches my cheek and leaves the kitchen, my phone buzzes with a text. I'm reaching for it, sick to my stomach as I realize that I'm not sure which of my 'girls' it could be. When did I become this guy?

I'm only slightly relieved to see it's a text from Chelsea. Al least I don't have to lie to her.

Shit. I'm already lying to Zoe. This is bad.

Blondie: Z got your digits!!!!

Blondie: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: yeah, already texted w/her

Blondie: wut?? Girl moves fast!

Me: I wouldn't call waiting 3 weeks for a text, fast

Blondie: AYLSP!!!

Me: English plzzz

Blondie: Aww, you love sick puppy

Blondie: Now my thumbs R tiiirrrrd. Boy bye

Me: Bye

I finish noshing my sandwich and then head back to my room. Today has inspired me, and I think it's time to get back into my stash of unfinished songs. The motivation to finish them has suddenly come over me. The perfect muse has entered my life, and I don't want to waste it.

Alternate universes unite! We need to get Zoe and Em into the same one at the same time

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Alternate universes unite! We need to get Zoe and Em into the same one at the same time. She's warming up to him, but still telling herself its all about the music. And maybe it is, but we'll see how long that lasts.

Any thoughts on Dylan's shelf life at this point? He could pull out some kind of move to shake things up, but does anyone really believe he's that clever? Lol, yeah I didn't think so. Thanks so much for reading!

We haven't had any Arctic Monkeys in a bit, and this one seemed appropriate. For the most part.

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