Chapter 12:

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(BEN's P.O.V)

That stupid cannibal touched her. He was just supposed to finish what Slender was doing with her, but he had to give in to the lust. She had to give in to his lust. I wonder what Slender would say once I show him the pictures I've taken of them. I'll just have to get out of their closet without them knowing. I'll have to wait for them to fall asleep. This is going to be awhile.
(EJ's P.O.V)

I better go tell Slender what (Y/N) & I did, but she's comfortable. I don't want to ruin her sleep just for me to report to Slender. I watched her sleep for a bit as I heard something move in our closet. I didn't like the sound of it, but (Y/N) Has cuddled so close to me that you can't tell where one ends & the other begins. I smiled to myself as she gripped my arms. I put my hands on her cheek & kiss her forehead. She smiled & I chuckled under my breath. She was so adorable that I don't know how I ended up with her in my arms. She held me close like I was going to fade away if I wasn't this close to her. I held her in my arms & took a deep breath. She smelled like blood & death. It was a sweet smell to have on her knowing that she was going to be here when I needed her was going to be a good thing. I'm going to be able to tell her what is wrong with me & how I became like this. She'll be the second person I've told since the first person was Slender. Maybe She'll open up to me as well.
(Your P.O.V)

You were comfortable in EJ's arms. He was warm yet cold at the same time & hept you safe. You were slightly scared that he was going to cut your side to take your kidney, but he never did. He just laid there & held you. When you got scared he would brush your hair with his hand & kiss your forehead.

When you woke up, EJ wasn't there. You were worried that he didn't like you & had left you. You got up & went to your shared closet. You opened the door to find a dress in there. It looked like EJ's hoodie, so you put it on along with your black tights. You walked downstairs to see that all the lights were off, but you could see just fine. You walked into the kitchen to get an apple. You saw nothing through. You were worried that they left you & ran. You went through every cabinet & room in the house. Nothing. There was nothing.

The Beginning of a new life [EJ x Reader} (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now