Chapter 5:

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(Sorry about the last one being short. I couldn't think of anything else to put.)

~Your P.O.V~

EJ kinda scared you, but he was nice & took care of you. You heard him walk away after you laid down. You heard him lay down, take his mask off, & fall asleep. You listened to his breathing before you finally fell asleep.

When you woke up, you stretched & looked at the end of your bed to find a pair of clothes. you saw that EJ was still asleep, so you went into the bathroom & changed clothes. You noticed that the clothes were a little big, but on the shirt it said, 'Love me or nor. I don't care.' You giggled as you knocked on the door. You knew that EJ was still asleep by the slow pace of his heartbeat & his breathing, but you wanted to make sure.

When you walked downstairs, you heard a video game in the television room. You thought in order to make some friends you were going to have to make something for everyone to eat.

You walked close to the television room to hear, "I could really go for some pizza right now." You giggled not knowing it was someone's mind. You walked into the kitchen to start making pizza. You heard someone walk in as the pizza was cooking. You turned around to see BEN. You smiled & pulled out a cooling rack for the pizza. His face was priceless as you put the pizza on the table. You saw a couple of other's walk in as you cut the pizza. Everyone took a slice of pizza & left to do their own things. You smiled as BEN stayed & finished the pizza.

When Toby walked in you smiled & gave him fresh waffles. He smiled & walked to the table with it. EJ came in with something red in his mouth. You didn't say anything, but started to make cheesecake. The pale masked man walked in with a male in an orange hoodie with a black mask with red eyes & mouth. They both sat at the table with plates & forks. You put the cheesecake out & cut it. They each took a piece & started to eat it. You smiled & sat down. You weren't hungry because of the feeding you had yesterday, but EJ looked at you a little worried.

~Jeff The Killer's's P.O.V~

That bitch. She thinks that just because she's made friends with Nurse Ann, Sally, Sadie, The Zelda Perverted Reject, Twitchy Boy, EJ & Pale Ass that she'll be fine in this house, & that she'll be protected. Well, I'm going to prove her wrong.

~Your P.O.V~

You smiled before walking out to the forest. You thought a walk would be helpful right now since Your head was starting to pound. You took a deep breath as soon as you stepped outside. You started to walk when you were joined by what looked like a pale white joker with jet black hair & no eyelids.

"You okay," He asked.

"Yeah..," You replied walking faster. He was able to catch up with you though.

"The name's Jeff. Jeff The Killer to be exact," He said stopping in front of you & holding out his hand.

You took it & said, "(Y/N)." His hand felt like leather & was uncomfortable to hold.

"Knife to meet you (Y/N)," Jeff replied pulling you close to him as he pulled a kitchen knife out of his white blood splattered hoodie pocket. You ducked under Jeff's slash & ran behind him pulling his arm with it. You heard a satisfying pop as Jeff's arm was removed from his arm socket. Jeff screamed like a little girl as he dropped his knife & held his shoulder. You picked it up & held it under Jeff's throat. You saw something silver fly past your face & hit the tree that you were standing near.

"You better not kill him! He's my kill!" A girl in a black dress yelled. She has long black hair like Jeff. Her whole body was pale & her lips had black lipstick on them. She didn't have an iris, so it looks like her pupil took over her whole eye. She ran over & pulled her knife out of the tree sticking it under your chin.

The Beginning of a new life [EJ x Reader} (COMPLETED!!)Where stories live. Discover now