23-- Yours

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I stayed in Teren for as long as I possibly could. I spent the following four days in Cain's arms, beneath him, writhing above him, screaming his name as he proved to me he was the only man whom I could ever love. Now, in the future, until death took me, and beyond.

Being with Cain was always intense. If I wasn't tied to the headboard or footboard with whatever Cain could find around the room, my mouth was bound, or my feet, my entire body. He was creative in the ways he tied me so I was helpless to his lust. He was aggressive, dominant, but never violent, and I was able to simply let go, leave my pleasure and our bodies in his hands. And that calmed me the way I never had been before. The ability to simply trust him, that he would protect me, and bring me pleasure. That I could let myself go and he would be there to catch me. It was freeing, somehow, to be bound and at his pleasure.

And gods I had never been more satisfied. His beast rarely stayed in the background, and I had scratches, bites, and even a few bruises Cain liked to kiss and lick almost sorrowfully as we lay in each other's arms, exhausted, sated, covered in cum. He never meant to hurt me, and I had to reassure him over and over that I saw the marks as a badge of honor. A mark of his claiming. I loved feeling him long after he had left my body, long after he had fallen to sleep, his big body pressing me into further into the bed, trapping me.

I had to remind him many times that if I didn't like the way he handled me, I would use my safe word, and he had to be content with that. I liked the way he fucked me, and he need feel no shame in his darker urges.

We were no longer brought our meals, but Cain carried them to me at each mealtime. He braved the crowds and the jeering teasing from the men of the keep so I didn't have to. And I was grateful for that. He could keep a straight face and ignore them, whereas I would likely either blush like a virgin or join in.

We bathed a few times in a bath Cain brought in. He also heated the water up himself, and I wondered if it was a possessive thing he did— not wanting anyone to see me naked— or something else that made him set the bath up himself rather than asking aid from the servants.

We managed to squeeze into the tub together, but it was a tight fit. Which Cain used to his advantage quite a few times. I couldn't even tell how many times I came into the then-lukewarm water as he thrust into me from below, the water sloshing out of the tub noisily as I bounced on his cock.

On the fourth day after Cain's confession of his past and our subsequent sex-fest, I received a letter from Marta. She was the mother of my eldest child Jon, and one of my closest advisers. It told of a dispute between two of the princes to the west, and begged me to return.

"Their testosterone is giving me a headache, dear," she wrote in her perfect, flowing script. "Come back. Now."

I chuckled and stood, turning back to Cain, who had brought the letter into me with a strange look on his face.

"We must return to Swyer, kitten," I said, leaning down for a kiss. When Cain turned his head to avert my lips, I straightened and frowned, insecurity flashing through me. "What's wrong, love?"

"You... I had thought you could stay longer."

His words had my heart picking up speed. I stood, completely naked, staring down at him like an idiot, wholly flabbergasted.

"I... I could stay longer? Kitten, you're... you're coming back home with me... Right?"

"Of course not," Cain grunted, glaring up at me and shaking his head. "Why would you even ask me that?"

"You..." I paused, terrified I might start crying in front of him. I wouldn't let myself. Not again. Not this time.

I could feel my chest tighten, and something inside it seemed to crack just a little bit as Cain shrugged and leaned back.

"That's why I had wanted you to stay longer."

"You..." I paused again, took a deep breathe, and began again. "You would just let me go? I thought... I thought I was yours."

"And I thought you understood," Cain growled in annoyance, standing and moving to the door. Where he began to pace back and forth, his hands running through his hair and yanking. "I'm not ready. You said you would wait!"


My heart pounding, the walls closing in on me, panic taking my voice and breath, I refused to meet Riece's eyes as he froze. I could see his entire body stiffen, shudder heavily, and then he was dressing. I wanted to go to him, yank him back, rip apart the shirt he was throwing over his messy, sex-mussed hair.

But I didn't. I held myself back and simply watched as he dressed too quickly. I was pretty sure he had put his breeches on backwards.

"You're right," he whispered. "I'm sorry, you're right. But I do have to get back, so I'll just have to see you, ah, when next I can visit."

He turned to me, met my eyes, and smiled gently. He put his hand against the side of my face, and I nuzzled into his palm and took a deep breath of his scent. Holding it in my lungs for when I could no longer simply turn over in my sleep and take him anytime I wanted. Wake him with my cock lodged firmly inside him.

For when I was alone again.

The anguish and insecurity in his eyes had a ribbon of unease and pain traveling down my spine, but he hid it well with a smile and a quick peck on my lips, then my cheek.

"I love you, Cain. I'll try to come back soon."

And then he was gone, I was alone, and his scent lingered only to torment me with what I had lost.

Wild Magic Two: The Dark of the Sun- a M/M shifter fantasy romanceWhere stories live. Discover now