Chapter VII: In The End (?)

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Jay was still shuddering when they got in the car. Her shoulders were hunched forward and her mouth was twisted in a grimace of horror. She shook her head as she climbed into the cab and started the engine.

"Ughh," she groaned, arching her back with a shiver as they pulled away. "It's ridiculous. I know it's totally irrational... But..."

"Have you considered it being a phobia, maybe?" Sam suggested helpfully as he clicked on his seatbelt.

"I have! It's actually called 'gerontophobia'." She shook her head with a scoff. "Of all irrational fears, that has got to be the most lame."

"Well, it kind of makes sense," Sam interjected, shrugging at her. "I mean, a fear of the elderly could be linked to a deeper fear of growing old, which isn't all that irrational."

"Yeah, I suppose that's true." Jay sighed admittedly. She chuckled, grinning sideways at Sam. "But you've gotta admit; she was a little scary. And her dog... Ugh, what a little yappie. Can't stand 'em. I think they make good punting material."

This made Sam laugh aloud. He liked her sense of humour. She reminded him of Dean, in a way; but a way that didn't get on his nerves. Because maybe it was nice to talk with someone who was actually funny. Maybe her maturity was a refreshing escape from his painfully childish brother. He hoped they could maintain this friendship -- even outside of hunting, though from what he'd seen so far, she was good. Sam wondered if his dad knew her or of her. Then he thought to himself that it didn't matter either way.

"So anyway, what, er, what made you provoke her to give up the locket?" Sam asked, clearing his throat. It was a ballsy move on her part, particularly considering her 'gerontophobia'.

"Well, to be honest, I wasn't at all sure if it would even work." Jay grimaced. "In fact, I was terrified she'd just go off on me. But...she didn't."

They were quiet again. Outside of the knowledge that the other was doing the same, they each thought that perhaps it was too easy. But if the other disagreed it would just be... So they kept it to themselves, not bothering the other with the notion.

It wasn't long before they'd reached the motel again, and they found Dean reclining in the Impala, blasting Def Leppard, and fast asleep. Parking beside him, Jay jumped out of the car. Reaching through the open window, she pounded her fist on the horn.

Letting out a wet snort and a sleep-addled swear, Dean jerked awake, sitting up with a start. His hands flailed wildly about as he groped for the nearest weapon, but once he looked up and saw Jay's grinning face, he relaxed, slumping back into the seat. His heart was pounding in his temples.

"Jesus, don't do that." He wheezed. Sam was doubled over in laughter. Yes, he definitely liked Jay. Shooting her a glare, Dean turned off the radio and climbed out of the Impala. He scowled at him, his heartbeat still wavering.

"So, did you find it?" He grumbled, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Yep!" Jay chirped triumphantly, removing the locket from her coat and dangling it under his nose. Then she swung it up, catching it by the pendant and popping it open in one swift move.

Dean's expression went from disgruntled to intrigued in about 2.4 seconds as he caught sight of the little brown curl of hair. "Oh. Oh, great! Let's torch it."

Jay frowned to herself, sighing through her nose; she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this wouldn't solve everything. But Dean pulled out his lighter and flicked it on. With a hiss of gasoline,the little flame leaped up and seared the lock of hair; it burned slowly, like the wick on a candle, finally drifting down to the pavement in wisps of grey ash.

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