Chapter V: We're Taking Care Of That

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"So, what'd you find?" Dean asked as Sam slid into the backseat of the Impala. Jay twisted to look over her shoulder, watching as he pulled a little red notepad from his pocket, flipping it open.

"Well, I looked up all the victims, all the way back to '44." He said, reading off his scrawled notes. "It all seems to have started with a woman named Deborah Yorke, who died while pregnant on the 29th of February. Later that day, her husband was found dead, sure enough, with his genitals ripped out..."

Dean made a disgusted face at Jay, who returned it with a "why-the-hell-are-you-making-that-face-at-me?!" and "listen-to-Sam!" expression. Looking offended, frowning slightly, Dean returned his eyes to the road. Ignorant of the wordless argument that had transpired in the front seat, Sam went on.

"Four years later, three women, all single, with children, were found dead with their stomachs ripped open. This happened in Orange, California. Three women, same week, same way. Then again, four years later. And so on and so forth. Since the murders moved around so much, no one noticed until now, 50 years later, that they may be related.

"We know all the victims were single moms, that's why we went to check Madeline Prinzler." Dean said, an underlying tone of annoyance providing subtext to his words. Sam looked up, an innocent look on his face.

"I was just reading off my notes," he said in defense of his research. Jay smirked to herself, marveling at how Sam was able to manipulate his age without even really trying. Sometimes, like when he was wearing a suit, impersonating officials, he seemed so much older; yet here he looked like an older teenager. He licked his lips, shifting as he looked back down at the paper.

"Anyway, the spirit is moving around. I thought it must be tethered to something. Deborah was cremated, but something must have been left behind." Sam flipped to the next page. "Which I managed to find. Well, sort of. She has a sister. And with some more in-depth research," he said with a coy smile, looking up with a proud gleam in his eyes. "I've found that her sister has been in every city where these killings have happened."

"So she obviously has something on her that's dragging her sister around," Jay added thoughtfully. "Like a locket with her hair in it or a vial with her teeth or something like that."

"Exactly!" Sam replied eagerly.

"So I'm thinking we should track down this lady and find whatever she's got of her sister and burn it." Dean growled.

"Yeah, but that might not extinguish the spirit," Jay said, frowning. "We might still have drive an iron nail through her skull."

"Right." Dean sighed, pursing his lips. "Forgot about that. But how do we know if we will have to? Or who she'll go after next? Where she'll be? I mean, there are dozens of single moms in Denver that she could go after."

"She does seem to stay in one region when she attacks, but I dunno." Jay shrugged, looking down at her lap as thought began to churn behind her eyes. "I might have an idea."


"Why do I gotta stay back?" Dean whined, scowling as he turned off the engine. Jay clambered out the door, rolling her shoulders and flexing her fingers. Sitting in one place for too long started to make her anxious.

"We don't need three of us to go." She told him brusquely. "And it's Sam's turn to come."

"That's okay, I don't have to --" Sam began to protest.

"No, no, I insist!" Jay pressed, doing a hop-skip over two parking spaces to her car. She paused, then tossed the keys to Sam. He caught them expertly, looked questioningly at them, then at her. "I'm going to go change again. You can wait in the car." She explained, and he nodded in affirmation.

"Can I come with?" Dean asked her, grinning slyly. Jay gave him a condescending look.

"Act your age, not your shoe size, perv." She retorted, then walked away without another word.

"Ears burning?" Sam smirked, brushing past his brother, who muttered, "shuddup."

Back in her room, Jay watched the boys through the window. Ozzy stood at her feet, gazing up at her with baleful eyes. Dean glanced up, but he couldn't see her. She smiled to herself, gave Ozzy a good scratch between his pointed kitty ears, then turned away from the window, jerking closed the curtain.

Sam had driven around to the front of the building so that he was right outside the stairs as she came down. He hopped out, allowing her the drivers' seat, them once their Chinese fire drill was through, headed out.

"So, do you know where this lady's staying?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah, I wrote down the address." Sam replied, handing her the paper. She glanced at it, memorized it, then handed it back.

"Okay. It'll probably take about 10 minutes to get there." She estimated, thoughtfully scrunching up her face. Relaxing, she looked over at Sam. "So how old are you? Twenty, right?"

"Yeah!" He replied. "I'm turning twenty-one this May."

"Oh, neat! If we stay in touch, I could take you out for your first drink," Jay shot him a sideways grin.

"I think that's Dean's plan already." Sam laughed. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-three," she told him with a quiet scoff.

"Oh, you're just a year younger than Dean," He said thoughtfully.

"Oh, really?" Jay murmured vaguely, nodding. Glancing over at Sam, she smirked. "I'd have thought he was a teenager if I hadn't seen him."

"Yeah," Sam chuckled with Jay, looking back at her. "He's not the most mature 24-year-old you've ever met."

"Not by a long road." Jay agreed. They shared another amused laugh, then were relatively quiet. A couple minutes passed. Finally, having grown sick of the silence, Jay fidgeted in her seat. Her eyes roved across the road, marveling at the quaint houses and close-knit neighborhoods.

"You know, if I weren't a hunter," she began to say, brushing hair behind her ear. "I would consider settling down here or a place like it."

"Yeah, it's nice." Sam nodded, observing the world flashing by his window. "It seems pretty quiet. You know, when there isn't a murderous ghost in town."

"Yeah, but we're taking care of that," Jay grinned, concentrating as she turned the wheel, going down a side street towards the house that she'd found out from Sam that the sisters had both grown up in. She let a more dark, determined sort of smile twist her lips. "We're taking care of that."

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