Chapter Twelve

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The irons began to cool and Carmine calmed down some, gasping for air, spitting out blood. He opened his eyes, looking around at the many trolls watching him; some were crying, others were silent, most were cheering. He saw Psiioniic on his knees, being kicked by Dualscar, who had been ordered to watch over him. Dolorosa was trying to put on a brave face as she saw her wriggler look at her and wiped away her jade-colored tears.

Carmine knew he should have been angry and filled with hate for these blood thirsty trolls, but strangely, he wasn't. Hell, he forgave them. He opened his mouth to speak, and out came his final sermon. (( ((Yes, the sermon is typed below for those who cannot watch the video. Credits to whoever wrote it.))

"I have been peaceful. I have been kind. I only dared to speak what others have been dreaming for so long.

I have had dreams too. Dreams of what might of been where blood was simply blood and all of us were equal. If wishing for that is heresy, then yes I deserve to die... I've seen acts of the most sublime kindness and the most vile cruelty....

They say power beings find anger, when they have no room for love. What made you so? Are you scared of change? Scared of those who are different? I realize, I am different than you. I have known feelings that none of you can ever hope to know.

I've know the comroddary of friend who supported me against all odds. I have known the compassion of a guardian who took me in when no others would and raised me to dream and hope. I have known a love and passion that transcended definition.

There is no use hiding it now. You can all see me for what I am; The Signless... The Sufferer... The mutant... My blood burns brightly for all to see. It is the flame of a revolution that you cannot ever hope to quell! My memory can be erased. But my ideals will never die! My mistake was believing I could change a world infected by hate and corruption.

You've taken the freedom of an innocent troll and turned his blessings into a curse. The pity you have taken on my Disciple will wound her. She's known true love and you've forced her into a life of solitude. You've forced a mother to watch her son die! I see you for what you are. I always FUCKING have. I thought I could FUCKING change you! Fuck me for being a fucking fool!"

Condy had had about enough of the mutant's speech and ordered for Darkleer to fire and arrow into his side. But he only continued.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUUUCK! F-fuck... I am angry, because I forgive you. I must be the biggest fucking fool in Alternia...But when I close my eyes I see a world where we all work together. And it's so fucking beautiful..."

The pain in Carmine's side was terrible and he writhed, trying to break away from its sharp, cold tip. He saw Psiioniic crying, partly out of pain and partly out of admiration and sadness. Dolorosa smiled warmly at him, nodding with her approval but looking angrily at the arrow in his side.

He felt like he had accomplished something; thousands of trolls from all levels of the hemospectrum heard his sermon. Even if he was in terrible pain, he felt pride and hope well up in his chest. Some of the highbloods in the crowd who had been cheering on his execution were now pushing against the soldiers, screaming at Condy and GHB to release him. The soldiers put them down immediately and returned their focus back to the dying troll.

Condy had had enough - yes, the execution had been fun to watch but she didn't want to have to kill any more highbloods than she already had to. Yes, it was time to rid the her kingdom of his mutated blood. "Burn him alive." Darkleer obediently grabbed a torch from a nearby soldier and walked up to the mutant, who was now trying to keep himself conscious.

He lit the bottom of his leggings and they were engulfed in flames within seconds. Dolorosa screamed, trying to run to him yet again. By now, Psiioniic had given up hope and looked silently at the ground, yellow tears dripping from his beaten face. Carmine screamed in agony as his skin was burned under his leggings, which were almost nothing but ashes by now. Candy red blood dripped from all over his body, sizzling as it hit the cold stone below. The only thing anyone could hear over his screams was the evil cackling of the Grand Highblood.

"THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOU, MUTANT. YOU BURN FOR ALL TO SEE, INCLUDING THE MIRTHFUL MESSIAHS, WHO WATCH OVER US FROM ABOVE." GHB's rose his arms and the other juggalos laughed as well, honking loudly.

Carmine was hanging dead from his irons as his body decayed into ashes. This was the end of Carmine.

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