Chapter Eight

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The group of friends walked off towards the meeting place, leaving behind their temporary resting place. Many trolls were already gathered at the base of the hill where Carmine was to speak. When they saw him walk up the hill, they cheered.

Disciple sat on the ground to the right of him, opening up her book and taking out a quill and ink. Dolorosa stood calmly next to her, looking out over the trolls. Psiioniic stood at Carmine's left, attempting to show a smile.

Then, Carmine began to speak; words of hope, freedom, and justice rang out over the crowd, causing silence to fall among them. Psiioniic saw tears form in the eyes of the trolls as his friend spoke. He remembered hearing similar words through the bars of his cell many sweeps ago. Carmine had almost been caught but Psiioniic escaped from his bonds, killing any troll that tried to take the preacher away.

Carmine was not pleased with him for causing so much death at his expense and told him to go on his way. Dolorosa had insisted they take him with them, as he had nowhere to go and would most likely be killed for murdering so many trolls. Carmine eventually grew used to him and they became friends, although they still fought at times.

It was nearing the end of the sermon when the Disciple stood up suddenly, dropping her book and quill. Carmine looked at her with confusion, motioning for her to sit back down but she growled at him, sniffing the air. Trolls in the back of the crowd were shifting nervously, looking around. Psiioniic heard the sound of hooves and the clanking of armor.

Dolorosa looked at Carmine, mouthing the word "highbloods". Carmine nodded and rose his arms, yelling at the crowd to escape. But it was too late. Trolls in the back were being shoved aside as the army worked their way through the crowd towards the front.

Carmine took out his sickles, preparing for a short battle. He expected only a small amount of the army to be sent, but as the flow of highbloods kept coming, he realized this was the whole army. And not only one army; two. Soldiers in fuchsia and purple armor surrounded the hill and the valley below.

Dolorosa gasped as both HIC's and GHB's armies appeared. Disciple was off in the crowd somewhere helping as many trolls she could escape. Psiioniic stood frozen, wondering if he should release his powers on the valley below or not. Carmine motioned for him to help Disciple evacuate as many trolls as they could. Psiioniic nodded but in his heart he knew it was all pointless. They were doomed.

Carmine spotted two carriages riding next to each other in the back of the crowd. The empress and emperor were standing tall and proud, slaying any troll who got too close to them. Carmine gritted his teeth, thinking for a way out of this mess. Dolorosa placed a hand on his shoulder and he turned to look at her. "There's nothing we can do," she said painfully.

Psiioniic and Disciple, having seen the rulers, returned to Carmine's side. "I want you all to escape," said Carmine, his voice wavering. "Fuck no," yelled Psiioniic, growling at him. "We are sticking with you no matter what!" Carmine looked out over the valley. There were dead trolls laying on the ground and the army was at the base of the hill.

Disciple nodded, biting her lip nervously. "We are just as much into this rebellion as mew are." Dolorosa nodded too, trying to uphold her motherly figure and hide her fear. "We all love you; we wont let you do this alone."

An arrow hit Dolorosa in the arm with such force that it caused her to fall to the ground. "Rosa!" Carmine screamed, kneeling down next to his mother. Disciple yelped from behind him as a lion lusus tackled and pinned her to the ground. She was quickly grabbed by highblood.

Psiioniic was frozen again; he did nothing to stop the soldiers around him from restraining him by heavily cuffing him. One solider beat him to the ground. He moaned and looked helplessly at Carmine, tears welling in his eyes. He had accepted his doom.

Putridum Regnum 1: Centuries (Homestuck AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang