Chapter Fifteen

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It had been only a few days since Mindfang had stolen Dualscar's favorite slave. He had been furious and had almost acted hastily - his fleets, at the time, were back at the Royal City port, being repaired after a storm had ravaged them. Dualscar had managed to settle down and decided it would be best not to go after the pirate himself, but to command the services of those lower than him. Although he had a strong dislike for the clowns, he had to admire their strength and war tactics. Besides, he did not want to risk his men's lives, as they were all seatrolls. He didn't consider his many slaves as trolls, so he simply dismissed them in his thoughts. Besides, his pets might turn on him and fight the seatrolls along with Mindfang.

Dualscar was on his way to the castle of the Grand Highblood. Since the water and land was dangerous for even the most experienced sailor, none were allowed to sail near the land of the clowns. The clowns were also known to attack ships that approached the shoreline under any circumstances. The only way in was by the front gate.

Dualscar had only been to GHB's castle alone on one other occasion - when he was taken from his hive when Condy had become the Empress and he was to travel with the clown to the Royal City. The Grand Highblood had scared him quite often and he despised being alone with him. He was a very different troll when he wasn't around the Empress or when he was on strict business for the Empire. Dualscar decided that this time, he would indeed stand up to the brute.


The door to the Grand Highblood's castle opened. The over sized troll was sitting on his throne, bored as ever, wondering who had wandered into his claws this time - he wasn't expecting visitors. The terrifying clown sat up a bit when he saw Dualscar approach his throne. Dualscar was his favorite seatroll to frighten. This conversation was going to be quite the show.

Dualscar ran his webbed hand through his hair and stayed standing. GHB was expecting a bow. The sailor always bowed to him out of fear and the highblood loved it. This time, the fish did not. Instead, he spoke without greeting the clown. "Highblood, I bring news of Mindfang's location." GHB's interest was peaked. Mindfang had been at large for years and it seemed that the fish had decided to get the clown's help in capturing her.

"Speak, fish, but don't waste my time. I am a very busy troll," he responded. Dualscar smirked slightly, which hit a nerve. "I'm here to discuss a plan for capturing Mindfang, not play around with you. All I want is a simple pledge from you and then I will leave - I don't wanna spend time in this bloody cave. All this peasant blood makes me sick."

"Mindfang is located 50 miles away from the Royal City port and heading North-West as we speak. I don't know what kind of ships ya' got but they better be fa-" The Grand Highblood stood up, looking around at his beautiful artwork. "Yes," he said in a cool voice. All this peasant blood and hardly any royal colors. I wonder what color it could mother fuckin' use? Maybe a little violet?" The clown grinned as Dualscar got nervous. But that feeling soon was overwhelmed with hate and anger.

"You wouldn't dare. I am yer superior. It's treason and you know it! Mindfang's probably gearin' up to fight and you want me to sit 'round here as you make a mockery a me? You want a touch 'o purple? Why don't you and a couple other clowns rip each other ta bits? They say yer the highbloods, but yer nothin' but land-dwellin' psychotic barbarians, spewin' tripe 'bout some fuckin' honk all the time! Now excuse me as I go prepare my fleet for a battle, because obviously you stardust-snortin', paint-faced troglodytes are worthless to this Empire!"

Dualscar turned around to leave but the Grand Highblood reached for his cape and took hold of it. "Do you believe in miracles, brother?" Dualscar tensed, but snapped back. "Oh, more nonsense. Do go on." Rage surged through the Grand Highblood and he turned the fish around. "There's a three-ringed dark carnival coming and I'm the fucking ring master. Ring one is rage. Ring two is sadness. And ring three. RING THREE IS MOTHER FUCKING MURDER." Dualscar tried to turn around and run but the Grand Highblood kept a firm hold on his cape. His chuckle-voodoo was also slipping into Dualscar's mind, rendering him almost immobile.

"The Vast Honk is coming, brother. I know it to be true. YOU CAN'T KEEP IT AWAY WITH HERESY, YOU BLASPHEMY MOTHER FUCKER!" Dualscar looked into GHB's eyes with horror. "W-wait! Please!" GHB grabbed the fish by the neck, lifted him into the air and smashed his skull, letting violet blood pour out. The clown laughed hysterically and dragged Dualscar's fresh corpse to a wall which had been left untouched expect for a few lines in fuchsia. "You're going to make the best mother fucking mural..."


Bright red and teal. Those were the colors of Neophyte Redglare, the famous legislacerator. Her blood was teal but she loved the color red - almost as much as she loved her dragon lusus, Pyralspite. She lived near a city that was many miles south of the Royal City. It was called the City of Justice by many trolls all over Alternia. Redglare preferred living outside of the city, so that her lusus would have plenty of space to roam free.

Her plans for the day had changed. She was originally going to judge some trolls of treason and thievery but she received a message from the Grand Highblood. He requested her presence in his throne room. She had been to his castle a few times before and he to her court room. They were well acquainted. Redglare knew that the highblood had black feelings for her but did not return them. Her job and lusus required her full attention.

Alternia had been notified that they needed a new troll who would lead the Alternian Army and feed the Empress' lusus because the previous troll in that position had been killed by the Grand Highblood himself. Redglare hadn't known Dualscar personally but had heard stories about him from GHB. As far as she knew, the seatroll was a typical ignorant highblood who hated and looked down upon anyone lower than himself.

Redglare was often associated with the highbloods because of her high-ranking position. Ever since she was accepted as a legislacerator, teal bloods were seen as trolls who normally had great senses of justice and many were given jobs like Redglare.

Teal bloods were the highest members of the middle class. Their opinions swayed from favoring highblood rule, to lowblood rule, to just wanting a fair government that treated all with respect. Redglare wanted all trolls to be equal, much like the Sufferer. In most court cases, she favored the lowblood opinions, as they were the most open-minded and wanted equality. She had listened to the Sufferer's words and agreed with his every word.

She believed she could help change their society by doing her job and punishing criminals. In order to keep her position, she had to conceal her true feelings from the empire. Incase she were to die, however, she kept a necklace under her clothes with the symbol of the Sufferer. She wanted all to know that she fought for justice until her final breath.

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