Chapter 11

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Ugh, such a long tiring day. Oh well, it's over now and I can go home and eat. Dane should be getting home soon after I get home and Asheley will be getting home quite a bit later since her classes are late.

I walk into my moms house and go from the foyer to the living room where I see Lief is crashed out on my moms lap while she gently runs her fingers through his soft blonde hair.

"Hey," I whisper. She smiles up at me.

"How was work?" she asks.

"It was fine. How was he? Good I hope," I reply. She grins and gestures for me to come closer and gives me a hug.

"He was great like always, just a little sleepy," she informs.

"Well, I'll put him to bed when we get home."

"Alright, I'll let you go then," she says, standing up and gently putting Lief in my arms. His green eyes flutter open a bit and he looks at me. He gives a small smile before snuggling into my chest and going back to sleep.

I kiss my mom on the cheek and tell her I love her before going out to my car. I put Lief in his car seat in the back before getting in the front and driving off towards home.


I'm holding Lief in one arm, his head resting on my shoulder as he hugs me, while I unlock the door.

"Hello, Graham. No seizures, I've noticed," I hear my elderly neighbor, Mrs. Daily, say from behind me. I turn around and give her a kind smile.

"Yeah. My doctor started me on some new medicine again and this one seems to be helping. I'm gaining weight back and getting great sleep," I explain before I notice she's holding groceries. "Do you need help with those?" I ask.

"Oh, yes, please. Thank you, Graham. You know how arthritis gets me," she says.

"Not a problem. Let me just go put him down."

I go inside and set Lief on my bed. He snuggles into the blanket and looks up at me sleepily.

"I'm going to help Mrs. Daily with her groceries really quick. Just go back to sleep."

The boy nods before turning over and getting comfortable.

I go back down stairs to Mrs. Daily's car and grab almost all the groceries from her open trunk before going back inside and taking them into her flat.

Once I'm finished helping her I go back upstairs and find Lief is crying.

I go into my room quickly where he is in the middle of the bed and I notice a big wet spot all around him.

"I-I sowwy, daddeee!" he cries.

"Oh, buddy, its okay," I say in a soft voice as I go over and pick up the sobbing boy. I set him down on the floor next to the bed as I gather up all the sheets and toss them on the floor. I'll have to clean up the rest of the mess later. Right now, Lief needs to be cleaned.

I pick him up and carry him into the bathroom where I turn on the tub and make sure its at a good temperature before getting his soaked clothes off and setting him in the tub while he cries.

"Hey, it's okay. It was just an accident," I coo as I grab a rag and soap it up before lathering him up with it. I rinse him off when he's clean before washing his hair. Once he's all cleaned I take out the plug and grab a towel, holding it open so when he climbs out of the tub he falls into my chest and I wrap the towel around his tiny body.

"Do you feel better now?" I ask as I stand up with him in my arms. He nods and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you, daddy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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