Chapter 9

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So we go to bed, me in my boxers and Lief in his tighty whiteys and Asheley in my t-shirt.

We sleep in my old bedroom which was turned into a guest room after I moved out. Lief of course has himself wedged between Asheley and I, like he usually does.

We fall asleep watching Balto on the small tv which sits on a tall dresser at the end of the bed.

At some point in the night I wake up from a cold wind blowing over my legs. I groan softly to myself. Who left the window open?

I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm bundled in a comforter. I shouldn't be feeling any breeze. I quickly realize what's happening when my hand starts to twitch and little bolts of electricity appear in front of me.

I quickly reach over Lief and grab Asheley's arm before everything starts to spin and go darker.

I feel Asheley grab my arm but its so faint.

Everything goes deathly quiet except for the sound of my heart beating way too fast and my labored breathing that gets more and more quiet by the second. All I see is black and I feel my muscles bunching painfully, so much they might even be twisting under my skin.

I struggle to make a sound but nothing happens. There's nothing I can do but wait.

Then there's a faint light and I realize its the door opening but the flashes appear in my eyes again before I can see my parents coming in the room.

A moment later I see a hand with a phone in it before the rest of my vision begins to clear a bit.

"Gra-" I hear a muffled voice say before it goes back out. My muscles slowly untense but I already feel the soreness start to set in.

I hear crying as I struggle to pull in a small breath. Someone pats my chest before rubbing my shoulders gently.

I slowly start to regain control of my body - my legs still trembling a bit - and I lift my heavy eye lids with some of the little bit of energy I have left.

I glance around to see my mom holding Lief, who's crying. I try to move toward them but hands push my arms back down which are too weak to fight back.

I look over to see my dad looking down at me with Asheley beside him, her holding a rag to my face.

"You had a grand-mal. You also bit right through your lip, again," my dad tells me calmly.

I groan and glance back over to Lief who's still crying. I shakily lift my hand a bit to point at him.

My mom comes over to me and sets Lief on the bed. He immediately hugs me tight around the neck but extremely gentle and careful to not bump my face.

I gently move the rag away from my mouth.

"Hey, whats wrong?" I ask him.

"Y-you were shaking a-and making weird sounds. I-it scared me," he mumbles, his voice muffled since his face is pressed against my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, buddy. You know I wouldn't do that on purpose," I mutter back, still shaking a little bit.

I hold him tight and a few minutes later there's paramedic guys but they didn't bring an ambulance, they're just here to administer quick first aid -- such as an IV and gauze for my lip -- and to help me get to the car.

Two of the guys help me get in a wheel chair, one of them commenting on my surprising lack of weight. Asheley tells them what happened and explains the situation with my medicine.

I'm taken out to my car and Asheley is the one to drive me to the hospital, Lief reluctantly trusting my mom just enough to stay with her while I'm admitted and taken care of.


After my seizure I ended up getting whats called Todd's paralysis. It happens when people have seizures but it usually goes away after a little bit of being awake but its now the morning and I still can't really move my left leg and standing on it is impossible without something supporting me. I end up being sent home with a cane and Asheley has the assignment of filming my seizures so my neurologist can decipher what medicine I should be on.

"So you're a gimp for a little while?" Dane asks as I sit on the couch in my appartment and Lief snuggles into my side, fast asleep. After I went to the hospital the poor boy hadn't gotten a wink of sleep so he's probably totally exhausted with only getting about three hours of sleep.

"Yeah, pretty much," I tell Dane. He leans down and pulls my leg onto his lap and starts poking it.

"You feel that?" he asks. I shrug before nodding.

"Yeah, but it feels weird. Like tingly but not as if it fell asleep or something. It just feels weird," I explain. This is my first time getting Todd's paralysis other than one time when I was in around seventh grade. I had it in my hand and got yelled at by my biological parents and beaten by my dad because I couldn't write so I failed a test. I was too scared to tell my teacher or anyone about the paralysis because I was scared of adults then, even though I was already the height of an eighteen year old.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when a jolt of pain shocks up my leg, making me gasp and jump.

"What'd I do?" Dane gasps.

"Nothing, just like an electric bolt up my leg," I deadpan, giving him a joking glare.

"Sorry," he says before gently putting my leg back on the ground. Lief moves a bit before yawning and stretching and then crawling into my basketball short clad lap and cuddling up to my bare torso.

"So what did you and whats-his-fuck do last night?" I ask. He blushes.

"His name is Titus and he's really sweet. We made a nice dinner together before having a romantic evening together in my room," he says. I raise a brow.

"Ah, he moves fast, eh? He's a lucky guy," I say, patting his shoulder.

He winks, "You know you want this." He then spanks himself as he stands up to help get his point across. I can't help but bust up laughing, trying hard not to wake up Lief but failing when the boy almost falls off my lap.

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