Chapter 3

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I sit up on my bed, half awake as I expected the smell as the usual smell in the basement, rusty and the lingering scent of blood is still there.

As I realized I am already free and those are all in the past. I sighed and got up to prepare myself to visit Izuku. He said to do so earlier.

But when I was near the door know I felt my self wobbling around and my head dizzy as the temperature around felt hot. A fever? It's summer. Only idiots catches cold in the f#cking summer. No. F#ckin. Way.

But my body as if reialiating to my thoughts as if saying. "Bish. Yes. F#ckin. Way." I sighed as I noticed there is no way I can go out like this and laid in bed as I forced my self to sleep. And all my thoughts were just: How the f-in  hell did I get sick.

I let out a longer sigh as I rolled over to find a comfortable position to sleep. Minutes later, I find my eyelids getting heavier every second as I then closed my eyes slowly and back to dream land I go.

• • • Two days of suffering • • •

*Ring* The sound of my door bell ringing. I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* The Bell kept ringing repeatedly. I sighed and got off bed to walk to the door bell and open the door to see the obnoxious person who have been ringing the doorbell, Izuku.

"I was so worried about you! Why didn't you call me." He said frantically. 'Because you were at school and do I look like I know your schedule?'

"Izuku, you were at school or busy and I didn't want to bother you and mom was at work." I said acting all weak and all as I fidgeted my fingers to make it look real.

"You won't bother me. Just call me or mom next time. Here I have got medicine. Go inside. I will take care of you today." He said. 'F#CK no. GO F#CK YOURSELF.' But there is no way I can say that.

"Kay." I said following his orders as I sleepily go back to bed and lets him in.

I went in my room and jumped at the bed. My hands facing horizontal as my body fall to the bed and I positioned my self to a more comfortable position to sleep.

30 minutes later, I couldn't fall asleep as my nose is stuffy. My head is dizzy and I couldn't sleep like this.

Then a knock was heard at my door before the creaking of the door is heard. Izuku was holding a bowl that has porridge and a spoon, with a cup of water and pills.

"Sorry that took so long." He said as he enters my room and placed the bowl at the drawer next to my bed.

"Now open your mouth,"  He said as he bring the spoon filled with soup slowly towards me.

"I can eat myself." I said as I chuckled softly. As an act of course.

"Okay. After eating, eat the medicine and get a good rest 'kay?" He said.

"Thank you, Izuku." I said as I flashed a cheerful smile.

"... Celest. I am sorry. I am so sorry. This useless brother of yours wasn't able to save you back then." He said suddenly as he looked at the ground as if it is so interesting.

"I forgive you!" 'No I don't' "Just Forget it ever happened!" 'Remember and suffer from guilt.' "It's okay." 'It's not "okay".' I said, each words contradicting with my thoughts.

"Really?" He said as he looked up and I saw his eyes and tears slipping and falling from his cheeks. 'How annoying.'

"Yes, why would I lie to you?" 'No. F#ck off.' I said once again with another contradicting thought.

"Thank you.. thank you.." he muttered over and over as he hugged me from the sid and his tears falling and wetting my shirt. 'What a crybaby.'

"Mmhm." I hummed as I let him hug me for a while longer.

"Izu, did you win? Was it fun?" I asked enthusiastically. Of course I know what happened, I have a TV, but let's humor him. His head immediately looked at me and he lets go as he told me what happened from start to end.

"Cel." He said calling me by a nickname he gave to me when we were kids.

"Why did you leave and surrender? And I thought you were quirkless. What exactly is your quirk? How did you get it?" He said quickly without stopping.

"Um. You know the guy who you fought? Hitoshi guy. He brainwashed me and I felt that it wasn't fair. 2nd answer, I was a late bloomer and as what my quirk is, it's a secret!" I said sneakily and answered his questions.

He chuckled in response, "You really like your secrets don't you, Cel." He said afterwards.

"Un!" I responded happily and we both just laughed 'happily'.

We talked and talked while I was eating the porridge. He also talked about what happened today, something about hero agencies and internship. After I ate the porridge, I then ate the medicine. It was bitter. But I would rather that than suffer because of this sickness.

I gulped down the water along with the last bitter portion of medicine I have to swallow. "Alright. Wasn't so bad, right? Now you need to get to sleep, so you can get better." He said softly with a motherly tone.

I was pissed off by his caring actions. He was too late. He said he regretted it, but he could forget it in an instance. He was acting too ignorant. Acting as if that never happened.

I laid on the bed softly as I closed my eyes slowly. Then all I could see is black.

••• POV=> 3rd Person POV•••

The sound of the door closing was heard across the house. The young girl's eye lids quickly opened as her body sat up and she let out an angered scream.

She started rampaging throwing and thrashing everything around her. Standing up and started rampaging even more. Taking the pillows as she ripped them open in frustration and lets out cursing words directed to her brother.

Feeling the anger inside calmed down. But feeling that it was not enough. She then started clawing to the bed sheets, not doing much damage, her nails isn't long nor sharp.

She bits her lips attempting to calm down. Not to make anymore of a mess. Clenching her hand tightly, causing pain and injuries on her palm. Even the knuckles are slowly becoming white in colour.

Minutes after she calmed down a little. Showing the next step. Taking large breather and let it out. Thinking of relaxing thoughts.

She always does this to calm herself down, which is unsurprisingly what she need to do a lot of time. She had grown more calm as before. Before just seeing her brother alive makes her blood boil.

Just seeing them smiling and laughing is enough to make her go in rampage mode. Thankfully, she can more or less calm herself down now with only 15 minutes or so. Sure there might me some destruction, but it is still improving.

After calming down, she finally realized the mess she caused and lets out a long sigh. As she took a large trash bag and inserted everything damaged inside.

She hoped that no one will need to see her room before she bought everything again and refurnished her room. She lets out an even longer sigh at the thought.

Thankfully her house is soundproof. But that is to be expected of a house that usually has a person in a basement who would scream for help every time she brought them upstairs to do her chores as she was too lazy.

"Gotta go repair my room again next weekend." She said and sighed. Again. Yes, she used the word right, she had done this a couple of times, no scratch that. A lot of times.

Thankfully, her torturer have a lot of money and her toys actually have quite the valuable things on them as well. So money wasn't a problem for her ever.

"I need to control my temper or someone will find out one day. That day will be the day I fucking die." She said, tiredly and she tied the large trash bag, put it out side and slept peacefully again.

[Not reread, not edited]

Opposites. // BNHA // Izuku's Twin Sister. (editing in process)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt