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It was a rainy Saturday night. Most people are inside their humble abodes, some eating dinner with their family and some already sleeping.

The normal noisy street of  Seoul has quieted down as if sleeping after a long busy day. Car noises, nothing. People chattering, nothing. Random music, nothing. To put it simply, everything is peaceful tonight in this city.

.......but nobody can entirely be sure of that.

Under the flickering lights of some broken old lamp post, a man is walking down the street with his left hand on the pocket of his wet blazer while the other runs through his wet brown locks.

The man held a frustrated face, chest slightly rising up and down due to how long he walked from his broken car to this street in Seoul.

You may ask, he could just have called someone to repair his broken car and wait until he gets it fixed, but the person on the other line said that there are no available mechanics at this moment.

"Hello, this is Kim Taehyung. My car's broken here in the street.." Taehyung paused to look for the street name or shops near his location. "Street 613? Yeah? I would like to------"

"Uh, sorry mister?" The person on the other line asks.

"Kim. Kim Taehyung." Taehyung answers.

"Welp, sorry Mr. Kim cuz right now, most of our mechanics are not available at the moment. Some have already went home while some are attending other customers. The next available mechanic will be available......" The line got quiet for a few seconds. ".....in exactly 2 hours and will take 30 minutes to get in your location." Taehyung can't but notice the heavy accent on the person's voice, meaning that this person might be from another country.

Taehyung retracted his phone from his ear and looked at it with a 'are you kidding me look'.

"What?! Are you kidding?! I can't wait THAT long." Taehyung placed the phone back on his ear and replied with frustration and slight annoyance.

"Welp." He also notices that he uses the word 'welp' often. "We can't really do anything about that don't we? I'm sorry but it's either you wait for the available car mechanic or you fix your car yourself." The welcoming voice of person changed, bored now clearly hearable in his voice.

Taehyung's grip on his phone tightened and he sighed.

"Look, I'm a famous person and I'm not suitable for fixing cars." Taehyung continued. "Why don't you come here and fix it instead?" He sarcastically asked.

"I'm sorry but I'm no mechanic. I'm simply the assistant manager. And I don't care if you're a famous person or not. Now if you'll excuse me, I have other important calls to answer---"

"I'm gonna fire you." Taehyung slowly said, making sure to add anger in his voice.

"Hmm."  The man hummed in a boring way. "Whatever. Thank you for calling, bye."

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