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"Why does it matter?" Changbin says in English, crossing his arms. Our class has been told to have an entire debate in English.

"Oh yeah? Because it matters." another student fires back, if you could even call it that.

The class doesn't usually do English debates, but whenever we do, I find them funny. Very few of the students are properly fluent and broken English gets sent across the room with no real meaning behind it. People who are fluent can spit out a sentence with a handful of large words and just watch the others' confused stares. It's hilarious to watch.

"You don't matter!" points and says a classmate from our side.

"Woah, woah, woah, let's be kind." says another.

The teacher gets involved for a split second to say pretty much the same thing, "Class, concentrate. Stay on the topic."

After foreign language class, Changbin and I leave the room together. Where I'm still smiling from his cute pronunciation, Changbin is almost fuming.

"Hey, Binnie, what's wrong?" I ask.

"That was less of a debate and more of a battle to see who could insult each other better, but in English." Changbin says. He thinks for a second before adding in English, "Their behavior was so... ugh!"

I laugh at his comment as we walk into the cafeteria. Chan waves at us and we sit down in our normal seats.

"Hey, lovebirds." Seungmin says sarcastically. Changbin makes a face and so do I, but the two expressions have drastically different emotions behind them. I see Minho out of the corner of my eye trying to stifle a laugh.

"Hello, Seung-mouse." I roll my eyes as casually as possible, which was most likely extremely counterproductive.

"So guys," Chan says, taking control of the conversation. We talk for 15 minutes or so before going to our next classes.

Minho and I enter the math classroom and sit at our desks in the back. We take a second to get situated and start up a discussion right afterwards.

"Minho?" I say. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You've already asked two, so sure. Go for another one while you're at it." he says.

"How did you know you were gay?" I ask quietly. Minho quickly checks around the room before answering to make sure no one would hear.

"Well, I had a crush, I guess."

"What do you mean, 'you guess'?"

"It's not that," Minho sputters. "it's just," he trails off.

"What? Just answer the question!" I whisper-scream, sure to not attract the attention of traveling ears.

"You remember the bracelet I was panicking over yesterday, right?"

"Hey no changing the subject, you-"

"Actually, I'm not. Hear me out, okay?" Minho says, shutting me up. I nod and he continues. "The bracelet I thought I lost, this one," Minho pulls down his sleeve and raises his wrist for me to see.

The purple, fuzzy wire sits there, it's beads seemingly well-worn. I look at it and notice that one of the blue spheres has a small "M" indented into it.

Upon further inspection, there is also a plus sign and a "J" written on the beads. I look back up to Minho, who pulls his sleeve back over the craft.

"What does the 'M + J' mean?" I ask. "Actually, I can guess one of them, but who's 'J'?

"Jisung." Minho says. "Han Jisung."

"Wait, are you implying that-"

"Not implying; flat out admitting. I like Han Jisung."

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